Women of Reddit around the world, how stigmatised were periods in your household growing up?

  1. I’m in the UK and they weren’t. I’m the youngest of 3, with an older sister and a mum who both had periods before I had them. My dad especially was super chill about it, he didn’t care. He’d go out and buy me chocolate, pads, painkillers… whatever I needed.

  2. No stigma at all in my household. It’s just a regular bodily function.

    (I’m from Germany)

  3. Not really stigmatized within the household, but it was still something I was encouraged to keep on the downlow anywhere else as if it were something to hide or be ashamed of in some way.

  4. Very I got yelled at for keeping a tampon *box* in my room while my uncle came round and my mum still whispers it like it’s some secret. and says it’s not for my dad/brother to know. Grow up luv

  5. I don’t know. On the one hand I remember my dad asking us if we needed any period products and him buying them, yet I remember feeling uncomfortable around my family with my period and trying to hide it.

  6. My mom was super Catholic and told me that periods were a sign that your body could procreate and I would be SMITED if I engaged before marriage. Not much talk. When I got my period I had no idea what to do. Freaked me out. Didn’t tell my mom. Anyways , because I wasn’t allowed to go to any sex Ed classes I wasn’t aware it came back.
    Had a co-Ed gym class and had to to my two minute gymnastics routine. In front of two joined classes. After, the boy I had a crash on told me I had my period. Yup. Did my whole routine with it all over my pants.
    So it was stigmatized and I made sure my sisters didn’t experience the same thing. Now that I have kids I had the full conversation and am very open.

  7. Whenever I got my period my siblings would throw tampons at me and say “plug it up””

  8. I think the stigma came more from me. I was mortified, talking about it. Mum asked me if I wanted to see how a pad worked (back in the 80s when they were still used with a ‘belt’) and I said no way. But farts and poos weren’t talked about in our house either, so that’s probably why. I still have issues.

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