
Why did you not own it? What did you have instead?

  1. The sidekick. Almost everyone I went to school with had one & my cousin did too but my mom had Sprint so I couldn’t get one.

  2. Razor and/or the chocolate.

    At the time, there were certain phones that were free with a 2 year contract, so I would get one of those. I had a classic Nokia brick phone and the LG grey flip phone with the big side speakers that it feels like everyone and their mother had for years.

  3. I definitely wanted a Sidekick! I thought they were so cool and my friends all had them. I think the appeal was that they were just so different from regular phones. And you could do all sorts of fun things with them like change the wallpaper and skins. Plus, T-Mobile had a really catchy ad campaign for them that made me want one even more!

  4. T-Mobile’s Sidekick

    All my friends had one and I had a Virgin Mobile Flip Phone 😑

  5. The pink razor. That was THE phone. I can’t even tell you how much I NEEDED that phone. I used to flip through PB TEEN magazine and just envision myself in my ~cool~ decked out teenage bedroom talking on my pink phone. Then one Christmas, I saw the Verizon box under the tree. Omg. Today was the day. I opened it up, and there was the FUGLIEST phone I’ve ever seen. It was one of those semi cell phones where you could only call your parents. Sooooooo disappointing.

  6. Helio Ocean!

    Instead I had an Audiovox flip phone, followed by a Blackberry Curve, followed by a series of iPhones.

  7. Razr

    I had every other phone I ever wanted but for whatever reason couldn’t get that one.

  8. Razor, but I really loved my Envy with the full keyboard when those came out

  9. The only thing I can think of was the razr or maybe a blackberry as those became a thing. I wanted to comment because I had a dream last night that I decided to get a flip phone as my next phone and I was quickly regretting it as I realized I wouldn’t be able to take good pictures. Then I realized I didn’t have access to maps. I was so sad and wanted to return the flip phone for my iPhone even though I was bummed that I wouldn’t get to experience the simplicity. It’s not enough these days. Lol. Ohh I was also having to text using the phone keys. I was like ok this isn’t as convenient in comparison to a legit keyboard. Ugh.

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