Whom is your most trusted friend and where did you meet them?

  1. A guy I met in late elementary school or early middle school. He was in the grade below me, and sometimes my class.

  2. A girl I met in middle school. I have a matching tattoo with her now 😊

  3. My best friend. We went to the same high school but didn’t really become friends until college, where she hung out with my other high school friends (they went to the same university and I went to a different one in our city). We’ve been friends for nearly 30 years. I love her! 🥰

  4. Met him thorough my HS friend second year in college. We have over a dozen mutual friends for over 20 years. He’s my brother from another mother.

    Few months ago he was in town and he listened to my advice, as simple as choosing color combo of sneakers for his wife. He lives and works in S Korea. I can text him right now and I’ll get a respond under 30 minutes.

    Second friend, lives 15 minutes away. Chill dude, but he will do anything for my happiness. We have been friends for over 20 years.

  5. My bestfriend from Czech that I met on FB 6 years ago. She knows everythingggg about me. Hoping to meet her someday.

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