Hello, Gorgeous women/girls of this subreddit!

I have recently started to improve my looks and personality and,

* I am curious to know what visual things you notice and find really attractive in a man?
* Are there any tips to get more female eyes on me?

Thank you so much for your attention!

  1. Get down to low bodyfat, get some muscle, style your (facial) hair in a way that suits your face and your personality, don’t dress like a 12-year old. Take good pictures.

  2. Well, every female is different so there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

    I think it’s all about styling. You should look your best but not like someone you think you should look like. Otherwise, it might feel like a chore to put up this facade all the time.

    Do things that complement your existing features.

    A good example would be hair. If you have good hair then find a haircut that shows it off. If you have thinning hair or a receding hairline then you should keep it really short. It just LOOKS better.

    I hope that makes sense!

  3. Some of this may not be visual, but they are things me and a couple female friends like in a man.

    1. Hygiene hygiene hygiene! wash everything and keep all hair (may that be facial, body, head, whatever) well kept or looking nice.
    2. Smell nice! Women love when a man smells good. Personally, if a man smells good to me I can go from not being attracted to him at all to really wanting to get close to him. That being said, axe is awful please don’t use it haha.
    3. Smile! Just smiling and looking friendly or kind will get you so far. Same with laughter! Laughing is extremely compelling.
    4. Dressing nicely. I love when men dress nice and don’t wear the same basket ball shorts everyday. Nothing wrong with it, but a man who can dress and look put together is extremely appealing.
    5. Confidence! Confidence makes anyone look even more amazing than before. However, don’t confuse confidence with arrogance.
    6. Tattoos are lovely and show a lot of personality, but getting one is a personal choice you shouldn’t make for anyone but yourself.
    7. Having nice nails. Keeping your finger nails short and filed is amazing. Any man with long or unkempt nails automatically is a no-go.
    8. Pluck your eyebrows and any nose hair. I’m not saying go all out, but plucking the middle and having a base shape and such will get you far.

    These are just some personal opinions, but I hope that helps!

  4. Stand up straight when you walk and smile/nod at who you catch eyes with.

    Pay attention to your accessories. Men look really polished and put together (as far as their outfit goes) when they have a nice belt, watch, shoes, necklace, etc.

    Make sure your clothes fit well and aren’t rumpled. No one like the fresh out of the hamper look.

  5. Posts like these are not useful to the OP and here’s why:

    Although most if not all the replies will be genuine and will come from a good place, they are not reflective of the female population.

    The type of woman that frequents this sub and reddit in general isn’t statistically significant in the set of women you would want to date . Female redditors aren’t common in the wild and if you meet one it’s basically 1 in a million chance she’s free, within your age range and looking to date men.

    The best advice you can get is to get on top of grooming and hygiene,dress nice, talk nicely with a steady and calm voice and hit the gym and diet religiously. I can stress this enough. Hit the gym. The bar for dateable men is very high as far as physique goes compared to just 20 years ago and if you can’t pass that bar you are severly limiting your outreach.

  6. It’s really all about the confidence. & also when you look good, you feel good.

  7. I would really recommend finding a barber who is highly recommended and knows what they are doing. They can guide you on what looks good for your facial features. If you have facial hair, learn how to maintain it well, and keep it maintained.

    Keep up your teeth. Floss. Seriously. I will always pass on someone who doesn’t keep up with their dental hygiene. You don’t always have to have the freshest breath, but keep up with your teeth.

    General hygiene. Shower. Keep yourself clean. Clean clothes. Look like you give two shits about yourself. Talk like you give two shits about yourself. Have clothes that fit decently ( I’m 32) and are appropriate for your age.

    Keep up your fingernails AND TOENAILS. And keep your feet neat. Calluses and gross toenails will on your feet will make a woman run. Go get a pedicure if you need to. It’s not a girly thing to do.

    Don’t be crusty use lotion. Lol. Smell decent.

    Nothing too. Complicated.

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