if your S/O became brain dead what would you do?

  1. Personally, I would support their family and them with any means possible, but I would end the relationship. I would go see them as a friend and present myself to their family from then on as a friend, I’d grieve and then go on with my dating life after getting over it.

  2. Be there for them as long as I could before pulling the plug. I’d be sad for awhile and I mean AWHILE and prolly wouldn’t date for a year. But then maybe start dating again down the road while never forgetting about them.

  3. While I’m usually a rather aloof person, the few in my life that I love, I love incredibly fiercely. As far as my husband goes, that’s multiplied to a stupid degree. He’s my better half and more days than not he’s also the only constant hope/joy I have in life.

    That being said, i struggle with letting go. I’m not proud of it but I know for a fact that I would be selfish and keep him here even if recovery wasn’t possible, continue to love and care for him in any capacity I could… And it would get dark/depressing for all parties involved.

    Again, that would be selfish on my part and I know most would consider that awful, but because I know myself well enough to have imagined having to face that… 🤷‍♀️ It’s an honest answer

  4. Brain dead is dead. They aren’t kept on life support once brain death is declared. It’s not the same as a coma or vegetative state. Organs would be donated. A funeral would happen and mourning/grief.

  5. If I have no children, crumble for a bit and probably take a “vacaycay” to a psych ward. I am still young and learning how to process and handle grief and I need guidance throughout the whole ordeal.

  6. Depending on the exact relationship but since I’m not married I would say my final goodbyes and maybe ask his family for a keepsake to have and move aside to allow his family to grieve. I’d try to go through the whole process but it’ll depend on how much I’m allowed to be apart of it since we aren’t married. Then I would take my time to heal since it would be a huge hit and maybe seek therapy.

  7. Brain-dead is dead – there’s not much you can do about that. I’d donate what organs there are to donate, then have a funeral.

  8. Honestly?

    Leave, brain dead = dead

    Their body is still there but their brain is gone, meaning so is the person I fell in love with, I’d cut life support and try to find a way to move on

    But I’m single, so maybe I’d feel differently if I weren’t lol

  9. I’d honor whatever his last wishes were if he were to become braindead. I have no power over his medical care, his family does since we’re not married. I’d stay by his side until the end.

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