I’m either on the phone, looking straight, or down.

  1. Usually down to begin with, then once established both hands on the windowsill, eyes closed, questioning all of my life’s decisions.

    But always looking down first, because if you don’t get established then Murphy will give you split stream.

  2. Why would you be staring at your phone while pissing? Can’t you fucking live for a moment?

  3. Right at that honey tinged jet of diamonds spiralling out of my perfect pink dick. Just cascades of hot shimmering piss, man.

  4. Its pretty hard to aim in some scenarios so i mostly focus on the accuracy of the pee

  5. If I’m in public. I try to meet eyes with the guy next to me or his junk and compliment.

  6. If I’m in a urinal I look at the wall in front of me. If I’m in a private bathroom with a toilet, I watch myself spell my name with the stream.

  7. Mostly forward but everyone peeks, in fact I’m offended if the other guy doesn’t look at my dick! Ryan Reynolds said the same thing to me once when we peed next to each other.

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