If a guy texts me saying “hey we should hangout tommorow morning” but then morning comes and he hasnt sent me a message with a meetup time. Is it ok that i messaged him in the afternoon asking him what time does he want to meet today. I dont want to come off as annoying or clingy. Should i of messaged him or just waited to see if he messages me in the evening?

  1. Absolutely text him and ask. Maybe something like “hey, did you still want to meet today and if so what time? No worries if something has come but and you are no longer free, just let me know.”

  2. >If a guy texts me saying “hey we should hangout tommorow morning”

    Why be rude?

    Promptly reply: “Sure, would 10:00am work for you?”

  3. Did you not respond to his initial question asking to hang out? I wouldn’t send another message giving a time if you didn’t say yes.

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