I’m not sure if I am autistic or what, but I cannot handle loud sounds, so no concerts, and some concert types I know deal with a bit of drugs, and well I wanna meat sober people not druggies.

I am very against alcohol, my father drank himself into dementia with alcohol, and I have dealt with people who get violent with alcohol, so absolutely no alcohol on the premises.

As for food, I have a strict diet and therefore will not be eating food that I do not make.

So with all of those criteria, is there any place I can meet people and make friends? I am in a decent city, not too big or too small if that helps.

If there are no choices then I will accept being alone, I am not making compromises for the title. I have tried the internet but that has always fallen apart, so I thought real life might be a nice change of pace.

**Edit:** I’m not religious, so if it’s too focused on religion, or if the people are too religious, then I don’t really want a part of it.

  1. Try a monastery.
    No alcohol or drugs, vowes of silence, and I think in most of them they only eat a few pieces of fruit and a bowl of rice per day.

  2. internet friendships often fall apart, but if you stick with it you’ll find a few really great friends. offline, i’m thinking at work or some sort of classes? or a club/organization that fits your interests? e.g. if you’re interested in fitness, maybe at a yoga class. something you would like to do regardless, but would be a bonus if you made a few friends there.

    if that’s not an option, work is always good. i feel like friendships form most naturally in work or school. and if you get along, most people are willing to extend that friendship outside of the workplace/classroom

  3. Probably autistic.

    Sounds like my kinda hangout tho tbh haha! Basically what I look for too.


  4. I’m in a similar boat as you op. I been researching and it seems like most events or places to meet people, money has to be used: concerts/bars/cafe/have a dog/gyms/classes/local intramural etc. Yeah usually the only free places to meet people are school, work, and religious groups, and a few groups in meetup.com but in my city there’s aren’t any groups that interest me, there is no meet and chill, they are all bar/eat/board games/runs/hikes.

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