What stereotypical man behaviour (society or from family) did you pick up that you never wanted to?

  1. Bottling up emotions. It took me years to undo that damage and my life has only been better since I did

  2. Putting women on a pedestal. I’ve since corrected that behavioral problem.

  3. I try to write my name in the snow when I pee outside.

    I never intended to end up this way….but an artist can’t help it, he must create art.

  4. Domestic violence. Though I picked it up from my mother in law. She is a strong and indépendant woman

  5. I revved my engine one time at a stop light because I thought it would be cool/humorous.

    Instant regret.

  6. Being the loud obnoxious party bro. I tried being the sensitive romantic soul, but that never got me any play. I basically have the same origin story as Barney Stinson.

    I didn’t want to be that guy, but that’s the guy women responded to. So I became him. Women are the one who create fuck bois, every single fuck boi started out as a nice guy who was in love with girl and had his heart torn out until he said “never again”

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