Hi! I’m 22F and ever since I was little I’ve always had a really hard time making connections with people. I never really had any close friends. In high school I was in a larger friend group who all we’re best friend with each other but I was kind of more of an outsider to them. As an adult and in my day to day life I find it very difficult to make a connection let alone maintaining a relationship with someone. Throughout my life I’ve had several boyfriends and never had a problem finding one. but when it comes to making friends I try my very best to approach people and try to make a good impression but it never seems to stick. I just want a group of friend to go out with and take cute pictures and all the other stuff girls my age are doing, but I cant seem to fit in anywhere.
I don’t really have any shareable interests, I’m into arts and poetry and music and video games but even connecting on those point hasn’t been enough.

what have I been doing wrong ?

1 comment
  1. I am the same exact way. I’m 20 and it feels like everyone around me knows what they’re doing and where they belong it makes me sad 🙁 but hey, I will be your friend! 🙂

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