I had a great first date with this girl last weekend. She told me she had a great time. I texted her two days later asking how she was doing. She responded back and we sent a couple messages back and forth until she just stopped replying. She took a long time between each. Should I call it quits and delete her number or ask her to go on a second date and see what she says?

  1. I would say it’s always worth a shot. But if she doesn’t, respond, move on.

  2. Did she stop responding when you asked a question.. I mean sometimes convos are over

  3. Delete the number right now. But text her and if she doesn’t respond then at least you already have the number deleted

  4. If you are asking something super generic or boring like, “How are you?”, “How’s the family?”, “How’s work?”, “What have you been up to?”, then stop doing that, it is the worst thing you can be texting someone you are interested in.

    Instead, talk about something specific, even if you talk about politics or rant about something relatable… that is at least something that allows to get to know someone. Anything is better than awkward and un-fun small talk.

    If that still doesn’t seem to get any replies, she’s likely moved on, and it’d be best to move on as well.

  5. Meh my advice probably not gonna do much I wouldn’t block, but just leave it if you’ve sent the last text then just leave it but don’t remove incase something changes who knows

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