My bf (22m) and I(21f) are officially together for almost a year. In the beginning it seemed almost like too good to be true, but I thought it was a blessing so I went for it.

So basically, I’ve noticed my mental health worsening significantly over the course of this relationship. Before this, I was a happy girl, knew what I deserved and was pretty content with myself. Now, I lost interest in a lot of things I enjoyed doing. I would not consider myself codependent or relying for someone else to make me happy, but I do think that I deserve good treatment by my partner.
He started treating me worse and worse, and now it seems like it won’t ever get better. So I have a lot of resentment and hurt now. From the things he says and the fact that he barely backs up his words with actions. He makes many excuses as to why he cannot treat me the way I want to be treated. The most common is that he needs to get rich first so then he can focus on the relationship. He’s also emotionally unavailable and always calls me too sensitive. He acts arrogant and cold even when I’m balling my eyes out trying to work on our relationship. He doesn’t leave, but justifies his actions and proves me wrong. When I told him our values don’t align and think we have to end this (as much as I don’t want to), he starts crying and showing emotions. But that’s the only time he’s vulnerable with me.
It’s hard for me to just walk away, but it’s also hard to feel like this.

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