I (25M) am mildly autistic and currently living in a college town in Northeast Missouri of 17,000 people. I currently go to a Christian church group at the town’s college. But one of the staff advisors there had recently told me that while they appreciate my time with the group, he suggest to me that I no longer should come to the group since I’m 25 and the rest of the group is around 18-24. He also suggested to me that since I see myself hopefully being married and raising a family one day, he also advised me to not attend any of the coed sermons since many of the women there aren’t around my age. There are no age restrictions, it’s just something that he recommends for me to do.

I told him that I meant to tell him that I was planning on leaving the group and join a church for people who are around my current age. And he’s totally accepting of that.

However, aside from church, how else can you make friends with both open and like minded people who are around my age (20-30+) and who are not college students? Especially if you live in a small college town like I do?

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