Hi, have any of you ever experienced a honeymoon phase later on in your relationships??? I (25F) dont see anything online about it; just about not having a honeymoon phase at all or having an extended one. Im especially wondering if people with anxious or avoidant attachment styles have honeymoon phases later on once they become more settled in the relationship. I have an anxious attachment style and my honeymoon phases never fit the norm.
Im dating a 26M and we are currently long distance. We met due to him working in my area and I experienced the honeymoon phase then, but only for about 3 weeks before he had to go back to his area. We see each other a good amount and I still like him a lot, but I didnt know if the gushy feelings would come back whenever we started spending more time together like before. We also met online so its not like we had a friendship that evolved into a relationship

tl;dr: has anyone experienced a delayed honeymoon with their SO??

1 comment
  1. I think my relationship had a delayed honeymoon phase. My boyfriend and I have been together for exactly a year this week. We moved in together after only 3 months because of some stuff going on in my life and me basically needing to find a place to live. Things weren’t bad in the beginning or anything but we hardly knew each other so we spent a lot of time just settling into living together. Now that we are pretty settled I think we are finally in our honeymoon phase. I definitely feel more in love with him and things are much more exciting now than they were in the beginning.

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