I just told my wife that I think her sister is “pretty” while all of us met up for family pictures and it turned sour pretty quick.

  1. “Calm down”.

    But in reality the same thing as you, OP. Me complimenting how her sister in law looked at their wedding and she threw a fit. She was super insecure and I ended up leaving her because of said reason.

  2. When your SO/spouse/partner is truly in the postpartum blues – DO NOT suggest that she is. I learned my lesson on that one.

  3. I’m sure I’ve said something but nothing comes to mind so it couldn’t have been too bad.

    But I can say that as a guy who was constantly told how “hot” my brother is and if I could give girls his # when we were in high school, if my
    Partner commented on him I’d be fucking furious. I dealt with that shit my whole life and to hear anything like that from my partner would devastate me. Comment on anyone else, I literally don’t care. Just not him.

  4. I mentioned that one of my exes was “a nice person but just not for me”.

    My wife (ex now) blew up that I’d even compliment “some bitch you fucked before me”. It didn’t matter that I clearly said that I didn’t want to be with her nor she with me…but “a nice person” put her over the edge

  5. I’d probably have avoided the word “pretty” it kind of has some infatuation connotations (for a woman anyway). My girlfriends sister is “pretty” but when tested on it I think I said something like “She’s obviously a good looking girl”. Girls can read into language way too much you’ve got to be careful.

  6. I made a comment about how attractive Liz Phair is these days, for a woman of her years. And showed a recent picture of her. Mrs. 1LW took this as some sort of ham-fisted attempt at “constructive criticism” for her, and got genuinely upset with me.

    I meant no such thing, but I can see how she might have thought otherwise. In my defense, tho, [Liz Phair is hotter than a pistol for 55](https://www.google.com/search?q=liz+phair+at+55+years+old&sxsrf=ALiCzsbwx2YvpWGEvx2pClwz7BSMC-Os2g:1658417289728&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI78XrpYr5AhXyATQIHdIpBaoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1452&bih=954&dpr=1).

  7. Oh, man. I recently made my partner madder than I’ve ever seen her in the three years we’ve been together. We were watching a cooking show (which she enjoys and I’m neutral on). At some point, cooking was described as an art, which I agree with. I brought up that if you can cook a dish to provoke joy, you should also be able to cook a dish to provoke emotions like sadness or disappointment. After all, there are sad songs and sad paintings, so why not sad food? In my head, this was a casual “what if” conversation. In her head, it was not.

    To her, the idea of someone doing this was so alien, so infuriating, so obscene, that she had to look me in the eye and tell me to stop talking, and that she was going to walk away for a few minutes to calm down. It wasn’t a fight, but she reacted as if I had casually suggested that I strangle a kitten while burning her childhood toys.

  8. Anything that is remotely positive about any woman I have ever dated in the past. As soon as it slipped out of my mouth, its like stepping on a landmine and you hear an audible CLICK and you know your fucked.

  9. My first ex lost her shit because I like to eat burgers first and then fries. I shit you not, she lost her fuckin marbles and cry screamed “why can’t you be normal”.

    I straight up left the apartment cause this was next level of crazy.

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