I know this is bad, but I read in my younger sister’s (she’s 12) correspondence with her friend (he’s 13).

In the correspondence they were discussing sex and exchanging intimate photos, her friend sent her a video of him masturbating on her photo. i understand that they want to try to have sex this summer.

I don’t want to tell my parents because we have a very religious family and my sister will be punished very severely and I will lose my sister’s trust forever. If I tell her about it I might lose trust too. We have a very trusting relationship but she hasn’t told me about her sexual fantasies.


Please top this up so I can read more opinions and advice on this

  1. Speak to her don’t let her do it once it goes online you can’t get rid of it!!! She’s a minor and you need to stop her making a big mistake!!! Speak to your parents if you need to!! Just stop it from happening!!!

  2. You have to tell your parents no matter what happens. What if they have sex and she ends up pregnant?
    They shouldn’t be sharing pics/videos of themselves to each other either

  3. personally, i would not let the parents know this, because realistically what will happen.

    the parents will be non chalant about it and tell her to be safe or forbid it vehemently and prevent her from having contact with that friend/ scarring her for life and making her possibly want to rebel in the future, causing a permanent rift in their relationship

    id honestly talk to her about it sibling to sibling and make sure shes safe (and seriously warn her about the dangers of such videos being online)

  4. As a girl who started having sex at her age, I’d be willing to bet she’s well on her way. I do well for myself but I promise you that my view of sexuality did not progress at what anyone would call a healthy pace. Getting your parents involved will likely backfire anyway, she will just learn to avoid detection and punishment and any chance you have to stop her will drift further away as she pulls back and rebels. Kick his ass or have someone you know do it.

  5. Talk to her about how you lose control of where the picture goes the minute you send it and it can end up in anybody’s hands. Anybody, for the rest of her life could be looking at that.

    Tell her it’s illegal and she could be prosecuted for making and distributing child porn if she sends nudes.

    Talk to her about setting boundaries with guys. It’s very important to know how to say no, not yet, or slow down. If he doesn’t listen, it’s a sign he won’t listen in person either. That’s a red flag for abuse. He should listen or she should find a young man who is better.

    Help her learn about safe sex behaviors. I think scarleteen was a good resource back in the day.

    Do you think she knows you can keep a guy engaged without doing everything and /or showing anything? That’s very powerful information. It’s important she knows she has a lot of leverage, she is on equal footing, and she has a lot of rights she can exercise while exploring romantically.

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