For what feels like has been over a year now I have not wanted to hang out with anyone no matter the circumstances. Even on days I spend entirely alone and feel lonely, the thought of being invited to go out just sounds draining and boring even with the best of friends. This used to only apply after a day at work or on days where I had nothing going on but now no matter the situation I simply have no desire to spend time with anyone else and just want to be left alone.

  1. Personally, I enjoy my own company. I make myself laugh so people don’t have to.

    I do not like social interaction. It’s emotionally draining.

    It’s kinda putting on a “social butterfly” face and that takes work and dedication. *Pfft* no thanks

  2. Because your cells are dying in certain parts of your brain and those sections are shrinking. You need to feed and stimulate and challenge those areas of your brain more to get them to grow again.

  3. You may need less social interaction than you used to think.

    Maybe you don’t actually like these friends that much, maybe you just hung out with them to avoid being lonely.

    Maybe you’re depressed.

    There’s a lot of things that could explain it, but worrying that there’s something wrong with you probably won’t help.

  4. I have been doing this same thing and it is affecting me but I don’t know what to do.

  5. I often feel the same way. I just rejected an invite from friends today that I probably should have taken lol. I think having to commit to an invite and show up takes a lot of effort and there’s some fear that I won’t enjoy it so it’s safer to just stay home and do I what I know will be at least a little enjoyable but it’s not going to be very exciting. But 99% of the time, I really enjoy going out and I’m not regretting going once I’m there. There are times where I go out and it’s not fun but that’s just life. It’s worth it to take that small risk of having a bad time so you can mostly likely have a great time. (if that makes any sense) You’re going to get plenty of opportunities to stay at home and do what’s comfortable so you’re not missing out on anything by doing something different. Challenge yourself to hang out with friends once in a while, you’ll get to go back home a few hours later anyway and continue your normal routine if you hate it. It’s kinda like exercise, you stopped for a while and lost your strength so you need to start pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to gain it back. Having a strong social network is super important to everyone’s overall health, and a lack of one starts to take a toll on you, mentally and physically, so don’t let that happen! a lack of energy is a symptom of depression

  6. You have to accept the reality that fun things take effort. Not sure if you play video games but imagine playing a game that takes zero effort and provided no challenge? How much fun would that be? Granted if something is way too hard, that’s also no fun, but again, you have to work your way up the difficulty ladder by practicing with easier versions of it. Same can even be said about reading a book or watching a movie and having the necessary skill/focus to be able to keep up with the plot.

    If you stop playing the social game, your skills erode and everything will seem that much harder. But all is not lost. You can always choose to get back out there and build your skills again when you’re ready to accept that it’s worth playing. Don’t let yourself miss out on potentially the most fulfilling game of them all. Despite what others on here say, humans are meant to be social…to love and to be loved.

  7. Same, I think it’s cus when I do interact socially it’s goes negatively bc I’m in a bad mood that doesn’t go away in the presence of friends or family. But the tip about raising ur energy 10% whenever socializing seems like a good one

  8. Start calling/FaceTiming people, inviting friends to chill at home in the backyard, play video games with friends, nothing too bad if you don’t like going out like me. We need to start getting used to it again! Quarantine killed my social skills but they will get better!

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