what is a silliest thing you have an emotional attachment to?

  1. My computer mouse. I could have gotten a new one for free, but couldn’t smash the old one into pieces.

  2. My wife. I could always get another better one but I stay attached to her for some reason.

  3. I have a true authentic wall-mount rotary phone in our house. It’s not hooked-up nor is there even a landline to hook it to. The whole house is modern and updated to modern trends, but I have to have a rotary phone in the house or it just doesn’t feel like home. We didn’t get a touchtone in the home until about 1984. Anyway, I’ve collected a few over the years. The one I hung in the house is avocado green. The kids thought it was VERY interesting. My daughter told my son, “This is not like a normal phone.” Man……talk about an example on the relativity of “normal.” I really blew their minds when I showed them that a rotary phone has a dial. “That’s why we say, dial a number.” Or the fact that the receiver has a hook that you hang it on, “This is why we say, hang up the phone.” Of course I had to show the the catharsis one feels by slamming the receiver hard down on the hook to get that ring sound from the bell.

  4. I have a Robert frost book of poetry on my desk at work. I have carried it around from place to place. I never even read any of the poems, but I feel like it belongs on my desk. Yes, I “can read.” and I do know the poems. Not sure how I got the book. Maybe I came upon it while walking through the woods on a snowy evening.

  5. The lightbulb in the flood light in our backyard. It’s been on 24/7 (not including power outages) for 17 years and counting

  6. Old computers.

    I still have every ‘gaming’ PC that I’ve ever owned, dating back to around 2001.

    Some of them don’t even work anymore, or I’ve taken the HD out to back them up onto a new drive, but I can’t bring myself to take the shells to recycling.

    So I move 6-8 towers around my basement a couple times a year, and every time we’ve moved, for the last 20 years.

  7. Ratty old tshirts, especially the ones that you can’t just buy, e.g. employer swag, run a 5k for a cause, beer festival of yesteryear.

  8. i have a music box that plays the amusement park theme from nier automata i listen to it everyday i wake up or feeling down

  9. $9.99 hammock. I have fucked, cried, laughed, read philosophy, studied for advanced certs. My wife and cat snuggle in it. It has lived in four states. It’s my place.

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