How often are you ladies receiving anal from your partners/spouses on average a week?

  1. Its a special occasion thing for me, not regular. I always have to recover for a day after. I really don’t like having to be very careful with my farts for a day after that frequently. It rearranges your guts and it’s not something I’d want to do more than once a month. Everyone is different though!

  2. Special occasion thing for us. Maybe once or twice a year. Also it only started after 10 years of marriage

  3. It varies. Our foreplay includes anal play every time. We do anal maybe every 8th time or so.

  4. Never. I have specific rules I want my partner to abide by in order for him to get anal. He has yet to meet any of the requirements. So, no anal for him.

  5. Eh, right now I give it more often than I receive it. I enjoy giving it but would enjoy it more often. I would like to receive it about once a week. My husband and I do have plugs and stuff too so there is also that.

  6. Special occasion. It takes a special mindset I just have to get into and my body has to be worked up to a certain point. I like it, but only at certain times. Anal play with him is much more common.

  7. This is all going to depend on the person.

    My wife enjoys anal but it requires a bit of prep and planning for afterwords. So, she usually requests it maybe 1-3x per month.

    We play with our asses almost every time. But, full on anal penetration and the aftermath requires different planning.

    It really boils down to generally “feeling well” in the GI area and planning for what comes afterwords.

  8. We been doing it that way for 15+yrs only took breaks to let her heal after the kids were born. Then my wife got fixed we both enjoy not having to worry, did she miss taking her birth control on time,when was her last period etc. Less stress means you can relax and just have fun and treat sex as a form of play.

  9. It’s 50/50 here. If he have sex 12x a week (which is our average this year) then 6 of those time he will have cum in my butt.

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