if not handshake, what’s the way will you greet someone?

  1. I’ve been using covid as an excuse to finally greet everyone with the finger guns 👉🏻😎👉🏻

  2. I’d like to put in a vote for “finger guns” for formal occasions and and a “thigh-slap knee-jerk” for casual acquaintances

  3. I usually say “Hey” and nod my head once at them. Don’t know why I nod my head, always have. My friends/family find it very funny.

  4. Pull out my little member and proceed to windmill in sync with the other person. If it’s a lady then they swing their big hangers in a circular motion. Also clicking sounds with our tongues in place of hello

  5. Hug the other ladies.

    Take a gentlemen’s hand and gently place my other hand on top for a second.

    (Im from the south.)

  6. I shake my hand in the air really fast if I’m far away or if I know the person doesn’t like others/strangers to touch them. If not, big hug!!!

  7. Smile, wave, just say “hello, good morning etc”. The CEO of the company I work for insist on shaking my hand when he sees me, which drives me crazy. But he means well!

  8. Say hi and wave. I’m not a big fan of physical touch so that usually works fine

  9. “Hey” and awkward head nod as I shove my golden retriever husband in front of me like the socialite meat shield he is

  10. I do the eyebrows up, big happy smile, and say “hi how are you?!” And usher then into the room or whatever

  11. Depends on setting and who I’m meeting. Men always want to shake hands, in a work context I’ll shake hands, and for women I’ll just say “Hi, it’s nice to meet you”. Hugs reserved for close friends and family (although I absolutely hate the mandatory hug your relative thing, I have to be feeling it).

  12. I interviewed an applicant a few weeks ago and they tried to shake my hand. Idk if its cuz of covid and no contact we had for so long but my brain froze like I did not know what to do next. It was awkward AF. Applicant was like oh are we not shaking hands..? I kinda just laughed at my stupid brain and asked them to follow me into the office. >___<

  13. I give hugs😊 or when I am in Europe or LA, kisses on the cheeks, or bows when I am in Asia

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