Hello, this might sound dumb but it’s been happening to me for a while. When I try approaching someone or just talking to a person my volume isn’t loud enough most of the time and I feel like I can’t talk louder, which makes me uncomfortable when trying to have a conversation. Has anyone had something like this happen to them? Any advice?

  1. Oh man, I really hated that. Trying to say something in a group conversation used to kille me.

    I realized that it’s probably because I never really talked much in my life and I wasn’t used to getting loud. Therefore I started “training” my vocal cords by talking to myself at home, singing the lyrics to the songs I was listening to and stuff like that.

    And wouldn’t you know… that actally worked, kind of. It definitely got better!

  2. It has happened to me because I was insecure about my voice… are you the same?

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