Won’t even lie I’d fuck whoever my gf or hopefully wife is at the time💀
You’ll be there for say 48 hours

Edit:The whole fuck my future wife or gf thing was a joke 😐

  1. Why would you want to fuck your future wife when you will literally soon be stuck with her the rest of your life. Arnt you better off sleeping with a random?

  2. A motherfucker is about to get a pen and a paper and write down all the stocks that exploded in the last 5 years.

  3. Assuming I can come back, I’ll write down the winning lottery number for multiple days within those five years. Then I’d look to see which investments will pay off in the future. When I come back, I’ll cash in my lottery tickets and use the money to make those investments, and I’m set for life. Anything valuable I can find in the future in the form of information I’ll take as well.

  4. Gta 6, minecraft latest update, make screenshots, videos to leak in the present. Get to know gaming news and sell them. Also buy complete copies of games that are not even in development right now, and upload them to some torrent. I would be famous in the gaming industry, probably would become an ign newsperson or some journalist. I would work in the industry i always loved

  5. Check in on my kids, see how they’ll turn out. Though maybe I’ll make a paradox for myself, where I adjust my parenting slightly and they turn out completely different.

  6. Check my watch for the month/year to confirm if I’m actually 5y ahead into the future or you just scammed me into sitting in some useless box which you call the time machine.

  7. I would look at the results of all sporting events to come back and place bets

  8. I’d bring someone I hate with me and bring them to their future self. Then I’d kill the younger version to see if the multiverse will implode

  9. Do we get to return to the present, or do we just continue 5 years in the future?

  10. check lottery numbers for the first 2 years after i travelled, only play on the big wins, use most of the winnings to invest in stocks that do well, sell my individual stocks and put it all in stable ETF’s and real estate, create generational wealth for generations to come.

  11. Be so happy to be 5 years closer to retirement or the sweet release of death.

  12. See if I like the life that I have at that point if I don’t make significant changes to improve possibilities of liking life at that point also Powerball numbers and hopefully there will be a dog so play with dog maybe take it for a run see how the whole environment thing is going at the moment and if there is any way I can make some significant contributions by taking back knowledge towards alternative power or something probably be memorizing engineering schematics for 48 hours or something 5 years can make a big difference

  13. 1.Find ou about my life status and
    what happened to the choosen career I got
    2. What are the possible mistakes I encounter and not repeating it again.

  14. Probably check out how the gaming community is doing, maybe i theres something revolutionary incoming

  15. Write down all the information that’s going to get me rich: winning lottery numbers, Sports bats, which stocks hits, etc.,

    Debate with myself for a little bit to see what my fate has been for the past five years, probably choose to not know and just explore stuff for a bit until it’s time to go back I guess, I’ll probably also be really tempted to see what major tragedies happened and try to help avoid them

  16. So once you go 5 years ahead, won’t the future you know this happened and have a list of things ready for past/present self to arrive?

  17. Check my bank account.
    That’ll determine how the next 5 years is meant to be.
    Would definitely be checking some lotto numbers and then making some ridiculous, but true, multi bets that happened.
    Would only take one lotto win to really buckle the time warp

  18. Go immediately and check how well each stock is and see what’s done the best in the last 5 years. After that go back and do some investing.

  19. Need to be at least 30 with the same experience and intelligence I have got today .The first person that I would throw out of my family life would be my mom sisters and than my father.Happy ever after !

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