I have become a person I don’t like, my wife hates me I don’t like my job and have no friends. What hobbies can I do to give me confidence and get my life back on track?

  1. Motorcycle. By a Harley, join a Harley riders club and have some fun riding. Maybe it’s something your wife can enjoy w/you once you’re skill level allows.

    Some of my best friends are my riding buddies. Plus it’s an instant confidence builder once you straddle her (the bike).

  2. What don’t you like? What does your wife hate? What do you hate about your job?

  3. Honestly, anything that you can set a goal and then accomplish it. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what it is, only that you set, work toward, and then accomplish your goal. Start small. Want to learn to cook something you’ve never tried before? Doing moderate physical activity of your choice at least… twice a week maybe? The point is to find success with *something*, which will then make you feel good, which will then give you the positive outlook to try something else, it snowballs, and you’re on your way.

    You should also spend some time examining exactly why you’re having such trouble with yourself and your wife. Friends come with social interaction in a positive way, so that will come in time as your outlook improves, but I’d get myself and my relationship right first.

  4. Well I would say to do things to spend with your wife like set time aside for you and her or alone time ,go for walks or something,then work from there ,even book club

  5. Why do you think your wife hates you and why do you think you dont have friends? If i may ask

  6. Wtf, wouldn’t find a new job, getting some friends and sorting out the wife situation be thing to focus on

  7. Listen to your wife on why she doesn’t like you and understand why you don’t like who you are. Take one step at a time to improve yourself and think like the person you want to be.

  8. Whatever it is that you’re doing that you hate, stop doing that shit. Lift weights, run, there are so many thing you can do. Ask your wife why she hates you and start trying to get back to where you were.

  9. Why does your wife hate you? Why do you have no friends? Why do you hate your job? Find the answers and change those things. No hobby can fix that.

    If you want to gain confidence, go to the gym and start lifting for a couple of years. Build up your body.

  10. Going to the gym does wonders for people. It’s a positive hobby that makes you look better and feel better about yourself. It can relieve stress and increase testosterone. Meditation or prayer is another way that can change your outlook on life. The biggest thing is to realize that it’s never too late to have a great life with the right attitude. Wish you the best of luck my guy!

  11. A hobby wont help if you dont like yourself. Start with some therapy, read a book like Life 101, do some navel gazing and find out what you dont like about you. Make changing that a hobby.

  12. Find a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym, you’ll be able to meet people, learn a skill, and improve your mental and physical state.

    I’d also suggest going to get therapy, recognizing the problems are half the issue, working on them is the other and more important half.

  13. Well if your wife hates you I’d start with couples therapy or a divorce lawyer.

  14. Read “Way of the superior man” by david deida, there is an audio book on youtube I believe, listen or read it many times over, take notes and see how you can make changes in your life.

  15. Weight lift, run, train any sport you like (I only recommend combat sports mainly because that’s what I trained half my life, but any sport you enjoy is obviously good). Maybe exercise isn’t your thing or it isn’t as fulfilling, maybe you wanna learn to play music? Maybe you wanted to learn how to write or draw? Just anything you’ve ever wanted to do, go join a club or class for it.

    Once I have the cash for it I’m going to start singing lessons. Always wanted to learn, I was just scared of looking like a pansy lol

  16. Man, looking at your post history you’re all over the place. Assuming that all of it is true you don’t need a hobby. You need to reevaluate yourself. Cut some of the crap out. Once you’ve cut it down to what’s actually necessary and/or important to you then you can find a hobby.

  17. Join a jujitsu school or boxing club. Somewhere where you can fight, sweat and make some friends.

  18. You need physical activity and mental activity. I would suggest cards, programming Arduinos RasberryPI, etc.

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