Yes, this is legitimately a question that I ask myself. (Also, it doesn’t only go out to the guys in here but also to the gals.) I feel like kissing is such an intuitive action, there should be no way that someone messes it up. Okay, probably people from different countries or indigenous tribes handle things differently than other people. But I assume that everyone 15+ years of age has seen two people kissing, even if only on television. So theoretically everyone should have at least a crude idea of what a kiss should look like in their respective culture.

And the stuff that you don’t know – gets filled up by your own intuition and imagination and what you’re in the mood for at that moment! Shouldn’t it??

I haven’t kissed a lot of people in my life, so I haven’t experienced a “bad kisser” yet. I do believe they are out there. They are among us… biding their time…

In all seriousness, though, I am simply mystified how someone can be a bad kisser. I am just flummoxed. Maybe someone here can shed a little light on the matter. Please hypothesize how people evolve to be bad kissers. 🙏

  1. I have only really kissed one girl

    Nothing is intuitive, and a lot of kissing in movies looks super agressive

  2. Usually the ones who complain about “bad kissers” are the “bad kissers”

  3. I’ve had a couple bad kissers. Basically just weren’t on the same page, they were sloppy, all over the place not what I was expecting at all. Also had aggressive kissers who’d force too much tongue or linger too long.

    It happens.

  4. A lot of ways, forcing their tongue in, mouthbreathing, teeth clacking, too much saliva, being too aggressive, or doing nothing at all.

    I was a terrible kisser until I learned that I didn’t need to lick my lips (was paranoid about having dry lips and ended up with the opposite problem.) Now I think I’m decent.

  5. This is like saying “how is anyone a bad dancer?” For people that can dance its as natural as walking. Yet plenty of people are too afraid to even try it.

  6. I am bad at kissing with tongue. People have tried to teach me, and whatever it’s supposed to be I don’t get it. I love kissing, I’m just not a tongue guy I guess.

  7. Not everyone’s imagination is the same. Not everyone has good intuition. Someone who happens to imagine correctly what other people might like and have a good intuition for improvising isn’t going to have an issue. Someone whose imagination goes to abnormal places and either has no intuition for the matter or whose intuition misleads them is going to come off as a bad kisser.

    I also suspect that there is some misalignment as to what people actually want out of a kiss. A perfect kiss for one person might be a terrible one for another person. So, if those don’t line up you could have a makeout session where both people walk away thinking the other is a terrible kisser.

  8. I believe a man/woman that projectile vomits in the others mouth the moment their lips touch would be considered a bad kisser.

  9. These are the ones that stuck in my mind.

    The Face Hugger. I swear her mouth was a wide open she could get it. I kept thinking of Alien.

    The Tongue. Her tongue hit my mouth long before our lips met. It never really went away.

    The Saint Bernard. All drool and slobber.

    The Old Fashioned. She just stuck her lips against mine ala 1950’s movie kiss. No action at all.

  10. Too much tongue is awful. Also someone who opens their mouth too wide. Those are the issues I’ve encountered.

  11. People can definitely be bad kissers and it’s a real turn off. It’s could be a simple issue of mismatching kissing styles, not per se objectively bad.

  12. When I was hammered drunk I remember doing a slobbery one and she was not impressed

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