I have more than enough reason to believe that my brother cheats on his partner but I just don’t know what to do about it. It’s not REALLY my business but at the end of the day he’s my little brother. He gets in my business I can get in his. Rather he likes it or not

  1. If it’s bothering you, talk to your brother. If that doesn’t resolve your discomfort, talk to his partner.

  2. If I’m on friendly terms with a person I know is being cheated on, I’ll definitely let them know. Doesn’t matter which side is a friend or a sibling or whatever.

  3. Just a text – “Either you tell her – or I do you, ya cheating punk ass bitch. You have 48 hours.”

  4. Not my business. I’d just give him the advice that if he’s man enough to cheat on her he should be man enough to accept her leaving him when she finds out.

  5. Just tell him: ‘your gf is hot! You mind if i date her, while youre doinking your floosie?’

  6. I mean, my younger brother is a total slut with no conscience at all in that department, so I wouldn’t have any qualms at all about blowing that secret out of the water on him if I had evidence.

    Your situation may be a bit different. His boyfriend still deserves to know what’s really going on though.

  7. I would stay the fuck out of his business because I choose family over everyone else. The real question is why do you hate your brother so much that you want to cause drama that’s none of your business? Why are you leaning towards his partner over him? Why do you have so much resentment for your brother that you would get involved in something that surely going to hurt him because he doesn’t live up to your ethical standards? To me that’s a really shitty brother getting involved in another brother’s business that doesn’t belong to him.

  8. Hey brother – don’t be a piece of shit. She doesn’t deserve it, and if you can’t stay committed then let her go. If you don’t and she finds out – I don’t want to hear you whine when she leaves. After saying that – it’s his choice / business. He’s still my brother, I’d just make sure that any female friends are aware he is morally bankrupt in that department.

  9. I choose my pack/family over anyone else. Simple as that. They have my back and I have theirs.

    Now, if you really don’t like your brother and you don’t value your relationship with him and you actually value your relationship with the other person more, then do what you want.

  10. Am I weird one for thinking you shouldn’t hide cheating here? Especially when you are close to his bf? Like one betrayal is more than enough already I think.

    Like if the relationship between me and my brother is so weak that it can’t handle me confronting him about his shitty behavior then idk man.

  11. I’d tell him that he should really loom inwards and think about his actions. Nothing more.

  12. I would say take the “That 70s Show” approach. Don’t straight up expose him, but give him every opportunity to get discovered, ideally in the most hilarious way.

  13. Stay the fuck down. Not your business, if you meddle in that shit you will just ruin your relationship with your brother.

  14. I would probably tell him he’s a fucking bastard and I don’t understand how someone could do that. But I’m not gonna like disown family unless it’s particularly cruel

  15. Don’t rat on family. Give him hell about it but don’t be the one to rat him out. That’s family.

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