Dislike may be too strong a word but have you ever met someone and your personalities just didn’t mesh? Maybe they were perfectly nice but theres just something you can’t explain that makes you not want to interact? Co-worker, friend of a friend, in-law, cashier at a store you go too?

  1. Yes! At my last work place, we got a temp. I don’t know why, but she set off my spider senses and I did not like that woman. She didn’t really say or do anything, but I could not like her.

  2. yes. it’s not dislike but yea we don’t mesh which is confusing sometimes bc they have a kind of personality id think i’d wanna be around but idk. happens

  3. No, I always know the reason I dislike someone. It’s just sometimes hard to explain to others that don’t know this person. Like that subtle way this one coworker acted defensive all the time, making me feel as if was accusing them of something when I was just asking a simple work-related question and couldn’t care less about her personally. And how she would insert herself into every conversation and just talk soo much. It was hard trying to make a sad face when she announced she was leaving the company, lol.

  4. U always have to trust ur guts in this world with those sick ppl and predators

  5. Yes. I always listen to my vibes. They’ve never let me down. Treat everyone with kindness; sure, but If I don’t need to socialize with them I’m out. Not everyone who says their a friend is being your friend. I’ve learned that the hard way

  6. Loads of people. Sometimes I’m right, sometimes I’m wrong. It doesn’t matter much because I’m gonna be civil to them even if I don’t like them because there’s no point creating conflict

  7. I did. I mean, there was a reason, but irrational and unfair.

    It was my classmate, and I felt vibrations of his voise, and it caused me nausea, I’m not kidding. When he spoke, I would get my hands off the desk, because it transmitted vibrations.

  8. yeah. there’s this certain vibe I get every once in a while, and it’s exclusively been from middle class suburban white women when it happens (I’m a white woman too). it’s like I just get this energy from them that they think I’m totally discountable and beneath them, and it immediately gives me the zizzies.

    the most recent time it happened was when a friend invited me out to a public event where some of her other friends were. I was going through some pretty wild life events, and my friend had asked if I was okay and what was going on, so I was filling her in one on one. her friend I hadn’t met yet walked up, interrupted me loudly in the middle of my sentence, and said “WOW looks like we’re talking about some SERIOUS stuff here!” then she did this little titter I can’t explain that made me feel embarrassed for some reason. and then she stood between me and my friend and turned her back to me and just started a new conversation with her as if I wasn’t there

    idk how to explain it but its the way she looked at me, just for a second before turning her back to me- every time one of these women looks at me like that it unsettles me a bit, not that it happens often or anything

  9. Yes, often, and it usually turns out there’s a reason to dislike them. I’ve learned to trust my instinct.

  10. I had vibes about a new coworker, only 2 of us in the team so it was very important we get along. I went to my boss straight away and voiced my concerns and was told tough, my boss loved him so basically told to get over it. I played the game for a while and the team got bigger, I left the team for another role in the same company but have heard since that the new team members feel like I did and it’s causing problems. My boss should have listened to me instead of dismissing me.

  11. Yes, but I can recognise it comes from jealousy and my insecurities. I’m not rude to them but I avoid them.

  12. A few times! I definitely think I judge a person on their vibe. If it’s not a good or positive one, I know I won’t get along with them.

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