(23M) Basically I have this colleague which makes me feel uncorfotable in purpose and it even becomes bullying to some degree.

I understand that these sort of people are actually very insecure and seek people’s atention, even in negative ways, to feel they have an impact on other’s lives. However, I keep falling in his game, I try my best to ignore him, put my best poker face and act like he doesn’t bother me but my expressions and body language are too obvious he knows he’s achieving what he wants and he keeps crossing the line.

I used to be bullied a lot in highschool and even though I’m a confident and mature person, this type of situations awaken my inner demons and make my brain panic, I enter a state of mind I wish to overcome.

This is why I ask you, people of reddit, if you could offer me advice on this, any tips are most welcome! Thank you guys 😉

  1. Start by making him uncomfortable, if he says something you don’t like, challenge him back. I used to get bullied and never said anything back, it made me look weak and an easy target, so i decided to change and starting challenging what they were saying, this then led them to start understanding i wasn’t as weak as they thought and eventually they stopped.

  2. Point, laugh, then walk away. If he asks what’s funny tell him the circus forgot their main clown. Or piss on something that’s his and yell this is a display of dominance.

  3. I would suggest just reporting him, make a detailed(as many details as you can, take your time with it) write up of what he’s done and submit it to your HR and CC your CEO or whichever highest authority you are comfortable with. You don’t have to put up with this guy, you’re there to do your job, the company needs to ensure its a stable and professional working environment. If you’re unsure or unable to prove the details then mention that as a note in the email, state that you are uncomfortable and it is impacting you and your work. You don’t need to sympathise with your bully, you’ve got to look out for yourself 🙂

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