Political issues, human rights, charity, climate, UFOs, anything! Let’s hear it!

  1. My pets.

    I’d kill everybody in this subreddit and then myself before I let them feel any pain.

  2. My dad always taught me that real men take care of the women in your life, your mother, wife, daughters,sisters, nieces, female cousins, etc. He told me to always stand up for them, and to stand up to anything that aims to harm them in any way.

  3. Peace

    in the country that adopted and accepted me at my lowest. God forbid if I were to be called to war to protect it, I would enroll gladly.

  4. Video games and art. People have gotten so extremely weird when it comes to basically everything. I feel like I’m in a battle to protect the things I love from becoming as soulless as the MCU

  5. I’m really passionate about Baroque music, and I want to make an album of solo keyboard music. Not that my works are as good as Bach, but I really want to give it a go!

  6. i dont consider myself a voilent person anymore.

    however, i have several things i would make an exeption for:


    my pets

    most family

    my work, theres a reason its often kept in my briefcase right next to my knife, my safe or on my person. silver is expensive and the hours even more so

    my places to work, if anyone tries to take those from me we have ourselves a war and a half.

  7. My friends. They’re great guys with bright futures ahead of them. Saved my life. Comparatively, I ain’t shit, so fighting for them is an easy call.

  8. Past my wife and child…. not much.

    My go to motto is “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Also I like people who think differently, because I love a good debate so long as it starts and stays friendly.

  9. Welp, my family obviously. But also, if they started any kind of genocide, holocaust, death camps, or concentration camps in my country I’d be the first in the trenches to resist it. Certain wars I’d join. If US goes to a proper war to try to save the uighyr’s in China or similar anti-genocide type engagement, I’d try to join up if they’d let me in despite being somewhat overweight. Finally, if we ever had a coup in this country or a proper disolution of democracy, I’d be there for that as well.

  10. Keeping men (xy chromosome penis havers) out of bathrooms where my nieces, sisters, aunts and grandmother are in

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