I lost my virginity to a casual encounter and I didn’t really enjoy it. It felt alright and the orgasm was okay but I’ve had better with my hand. With it I got to touch my first boob (and everything else) and that also wasn’t that enjoyable.

I don’t know, I just didn’t enjoy myself and the girl I slept with was very sweet and encouraging so I don’t think it’s her fault. I just didn’t really enjoy myself, I walked away kind of meh.
It’s not that I had super high hopes or anything but it’s not something I see myself seeking out or something so I just feel odd.

We also didn’t use protection on oral and I was assured the unlikeliness of anything coming from oral but I was just horny and hopeful but even that wasn’t fantastic. So I guess I need a check up now, anything else I should do in that circumstance? Eat a ton of antibiotics?

I don’t know though it just feels weird, I was excited to do all the stuff teens are excited to do but it wasn’t nearly as fun as I’ve been told. I’ve seen guys go through hell for some sex and I just don’t get why they would if they experienced it before? My dad cheated on my mom a metric shit ton and just for that? I just feel weird I guess.
Anyone else get that feeling?

EDIT: even giving oral wasn’t that great, that was easily my biggest fantasy. Additionally, I (attempted) giving oral, I know that’s worse

  1. I’m not sure I’d be stressing about the no protection oral. I honestly couldn’t imagine that wearing a condom when getting a blow job would be even remotely good vs not having one and it feeling amazing. I honestly wouldn’t worry about your feelings being out of line. I understand how you’re feeling about it being meh. I think the thing you messed up on is having a casual encounter. For me, sex is about the feelings you feel for each other. Making her cum and knowing that you made a person you love feel amazing is a huge turn on. Find someone that you are really into and share the experience of sex, cuddle afterwards and just keep practicing till you guys are on the same page. Share that experience and you’ll find how close you can become to someone.

  2. My hand can definitely feel good but doesn’t even compare to the right partners hand or body doing the pleasuring. First time I think for most is always not what you expect

  3. My first wasn’t all that enjoyable either. Sometimes the anticipation is better than the pay off. That and there’s a disconnect between the mind and body. No matter how much you want to enjoy what’s going on, the sex just ain’t doing it for you.

    I say don’t dwell on the experience. I’m sure you’ll have better experiences down the line.

  4. i felt the same way my first time (With a girl). The entire experience was underwhelming. I didn’t like the smell of slimeyness of all of it . My body and her body just didn’t work right together, the entire experience was very meh. A year later i tried it with a guy the first time and LOVED it. At the end the day, every sexual experience is different and the only way youll find out what you like and what you dont like is by doing different things with different people until you find the thing and the person that does it for you.

  5. There is a lot of buildup and pressure on losing your virginity and sex being this amazing out-of-this world thing that really sets expectations too high. When you end up losing your virginity, you’re likely in a situation with two people that don’t have much experience trying to fumble their way around having sex. Practice makes perfect. Especially practice with a specific person to figure out what they like and how to communicate what you like to them.

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