I don’t have solid written proof that I am adopted and autistic but I am 99% sure that I am adopted and autistic. I can’t disclose full details (otherwise the post would be way too long) but everything about my life makes sense now.

I had learning disabilities as a child (could not read, speak and write properly until I was about 6) I always had trouble making friends with people all my life (and it still affects me, coz I have no friends in university now) I was bullied to hell in primary and secondary school (I thought maybe it was because I was the quiet weird kid)

There were some documents reporting that I am born in another country. My parents **never** want to talk about it, or even when I ask them about pregnancy pictures (coz I was curious at the time when I asked them)

My physical accidents as a kid made sense. (eg: Climbing to escape which resulted me breaking a tooth and stitches on my chin)

I just don’t know how to feel

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