Like, weight or diet comments, that kind of stuff.

  1. I remind people that if they’re not a doctor, specifically *the doctor* of the person/people they’re talking to or about, they should keep their opinions to themselves, and that fat people already know they’re fat, and the cultural opinion of fatness.

    I don’t encounter a lot of fatphobia directed at me personally, but I see it a lot and it pisses me off.

  2. Nowadays I just laugh it off and attribute it to my new psych medication, which tends to shut people up. Like, yes I’m fat, but better fat than depressed, eh?

  3. Well I used to get really hurt and made me feel like shit when people would say shit to me but now I just tell them awesome thank you with a smile and I walk away with great posture and very confident it seems to really piss people off more. There are rare days where it gets to me but for the most part I’m meh about it been fat my whole life and at this point fat is just a describing word and not a bad word anymore because In all honesty I am fat but fuck I’m also beautiful

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