Got some good news you want to share?

  1. Got a new job in a new career starting soon, so I can tell people I have to focus on that to stop the questions of why I’m still single. Yay.

  2. In my city, there’s a big naturopathic medicine school and I’ve gone on dates with 3 different women who have gone there. All of them were drenched in debt with terrible job prospects and 1 of them was anti-vax. Ever since then, I’m always hesitant to swipe right on a profile who went or is going to that school.

  3. I had a great date yesterday. Nothing out of the ordinary for a second date, but it’s been a while since I connected with someone on that level. We had an amazing makeout/cuddle session on her couch, and I left there practically floating on endorfins.

  4. Somebody gave me a screw driver.

    That’s not a euphemism or anything, one of the supervisors at work gave me a really nice ratcheting, mulit-bit screw driver. It came as a freebie with a big order the spa placed for cleaning and storage supplies.

    I’m pretty stoked, I needed a new screw driver.

  5. I think I’m engaged now.

    (Ok, not really, but I’m still kind of smiling over this.)

    I was bitching about the cost of healthcare to BF last night. I had an ovarian tumor removed last summer.
    I’m totally fine — we caught it early and it didn’t spread — but the medical bills are killing me. I’ve spent $10K after insurance and I’m still getting bills. BF is military and has never had to worry about the cost of healthcare; additionally, his pay increases if he gets married.

    So he said “you know, I’m pretty sure we’d both be better off if we just got married.”

    I said “ugh, fine, but I want a ring.”

    He said “ugh, fine.”

    I’ve been married before and have no desire to do it again. Even if I did… it’s way too soon for us. We’ve been together less than 6 months. But idk… broaching the topic with him, even jokingly, has me feeling a little giddy. Don’t worry; I’m not getting ahead of myself. It’s just fun to enjoy this feeling for a while. Still can’t believe a Tinder match worked out this well.

  6. My 89 years old grandma is doing better! She got covid, but she was 3x vaxxed, so she didn’t even need oxigen or anything. She was just very weak.

    She’s still positive (it’s been two weeks!!!), and they prefer her to stay in the hospital until a negative test, but she feels 100% ok now ♡

  7. It’s 4 am, and it’s 6 degrees outside. Not sure if I’m quite so happy it’s Thursday right now

  8. Randomly reconnected with an acquaintance from 10+ years ago. We’re both single now and are getting together to catch up this weekend. I am hoping there’s the possibility of something more! I’m currently waffling between the pleasant feeling of hopeful expectation and telling myself not to get my hopes up too much. So far communication is hinting at interest from both sides. I hope I’m not reading it wrong!

  9. It was -11 at the same time yesterday now it’s 21 and I have to go to work. Good news, I think not.

  10. Not dating related, but many happy results from the Australian Open semifinals today!

    Slightly more dating related, a long-distance friend who I share dating stories with has been talking more again recently – she kind of dropped off for a while and I had missed her, so it’s lovely to have her back.

  11. It’s good/bad news in that I got COVID this week and seeing how the guy I had been dating is handling it is illuminating. I’d been turned off by some future faking and intensity but wondering if I was overreacting. And to me it’s telling that he has not even once asked how I’m feeling. He still sends me inane texts about his day although less often because I think he at least respects that I’m not responsive because I’m sick. When he texted me about coworkers being late getting him a report Tuesday I told him that must be annoying and mentioned I was feeling pretty bad. His response was that he assumed I’d feel better within two days. Yesterday I felt even worse and legit slept 7 hours. Not one inquiry the whole day just his wordle score and a comment about his lunch. When I said I’d been sleeping all day because I was feeling terrible he said he’d bring me leftovers from the dinner I was supposed to attend to meet his friends. Bro my throat is on fire do you spicy pork belly is a good idea or at all what I want? It’s just making me realize his “niceness” is actually about him and how he sees himself and not at all about me. I want soup and to sleep and in contrast my actual friends have asked what specifically would help and how I’m doing. So the good news is that I have clarity that this guy is not for me.

  12. I’m starting something that is likely mutually casual, and I think I like how it’s going, but I’m new to this. What are things I can do to help ensure it keeps going without violating the casual nature of it? How do I avoid disappointing her (in non-sexual contexts)?

    For example, Valentine’s Day is coming up. Should I try to meet her on this day or steer clear? Are gifts in general good or a no-no? Where’s the fine line??

    How about language–I know what not to say (e.g., “I love you”) but what are things that I SHOULD make sure to say? Should I lean into flirty/raunchy talk?

    Or am I overthinking this, and the whole point of casual is that it works without much intent or effort until it doesn’t, at which point you move on?

  13. Technical issues for home office. Yesterday I was rushing from store to store in the middle of the day trying to find a compatible hub. The last place I checked had something almost identical – had the biggest sigh of relief 2022.

    You don’t know how good you have it until something is gone… RIP my 5-year-old docking station.

  14. I’m heading out for day 3 of my new job and I’m surviving! It’s kind of two distinct jobs in one, so lots to learn and I’m exhausted, but the people seem nice so far. Just have to keep reminding myself that there is no way I can know everything the first week haha.

  15. I reconnected with a past dating partner that ended things because of circumstantial reasons, and it honestly feels so good having her in my life again.

  16. Went on two coffee dates, and both said there was no chemistry after. At first, the rejection hit hard and I deleted the app, but upon reflection I feel like I was less worried about it being about me and more that the whole OLD thing just feels hopeless. But, it would have been worse trying to force a relationship with people who may not even be emotionally available.

    I’m not sure what sparks are supposed to fly in the middle of a starbucks, where I am just trying to see if you even look like your photos LOL. So, i’m proud that I just dusted myself off and went back out there.

  17. Cheat day is almost here! I think that’s the most exciting news for this week. Boyfriend and I are supposed to go into the city for an “experience” I purchased for his Christmas present, but we might get hit with a Nor’Easter?? If we can’t go, I’ll have to repurchase tickets which is fine. We also have a royal rumble party to go to. Something to do with wrestling which I don’t watch but Boyfriend loves going to this annual small party where there’s food, drink and some bets made.

    My home office recently had water leaking from the ceiling (apartment upstairs had construction) so I’ve been working in the living room. Thankful that I am able to go back to my home office now because my back was not comfortable on a couch. Work is also now encouraging (not not requiring) people to go back 1-2 days a week to the office. I’ll pass for now. I’ll re-evaluate near March when it is WARMER!

  18. Saw some friends last night. This one regular made me and some peeps go back to the scene of the crime where I acted like a crazy psychopath. I apologized to one girl that witnessed it, she said it was no big deal but 😬 It was. It really was. And the one woman who bore the brunt of it was so sweet about it and her husband said he’s snapped before like that once and just chalked it up to the alcohol but wtf 🤦‍♀️Then for whatever reason, my friend pulls his pants down. Like, to his ankles. Boxer briefs all out. Now, this is a family restaurant kind of establishment but we were out late so luckily no kiddies around buuuuuuut 🤣🤣🤣 I have no clue what that was about and I don’t think he drank to excess but I wasn’t monitoring him the whole night either. God, we all got fucking problems 🤣🤣

  19. I think I’m falling in love. Had a 5th date now with the guy I’ve been thinking about for a year. We stay up talking until the morning and I just love the sound of his voice. I can read him like an open book and his face is just so gorgeous. We seem to want the same thing and I think we are heading into a relationship. We are exclusive already. It’s all so fucking easy. There’s noone else and he makes me feel special. And he allows me to be me and do whatever in my sparetime (i would never cheat or anything like that, i just enjoy my life). So yeah… hope this will give me a wonderful summer!

  20. Saw an ex last night. We went on a date. I know it wasn’t the best decision but I missed him and I do enjoy his company. I don’t anticipate anything coming out of it. So I don’t feel it was a mistake to see him. I feel kind of…neutral about it? IDK. He’s dating, I’m dating. I’ve always liked him.

    I feel very even keel about it. Which reaffirms my decision not to have sex with anyone outside a relationship. It’s great to makeout, wakeup and go, “Well that was fun!” without all the What Ifs that sex makes me feel outside a relationship.

    I do have a date with someone brand new on Saturday! We matched on bumble and this is my first date from Bumble!

  21. Nailed my second interview with a private office! Found out some really cool things about this office and I’m really hoping to get an offer from them in the near future!!

    Dating-wise I’m dealing with a lot of anxieties related to past issues stemming from bad dates. I got really helpful insights from someone from this sub and I’m so grateful for this community and all you kind hearted people 🥰

  22. Good appointment with ENT. The PA listened to me and we talked about what I wanted to talk about and the treatment I desired. Turns out I’ve got a deviated septum and an addenoid thing in the way that can be fixed with minor surgery. Woohoo! Breathing!

  23. 2021 had been a flop for me – dating wise. Dealt with a lot of emotionally manipulative men who used or played games with me. And then someone I was exclusively dating ghosted me and that just turned me into a bitter fearful hag lol.

    But I did meet someone in Dec (matched and was talking to him since mid November) and not to get all my hopes up, but I think it’s going somewhere good? I went into this with no expectations, but he is different in so many ways…all of them good. It’s a slow burn which I feel is so much healthier overall and for the first time in a long time, I feel like his actions and words haven’t caused me any dating anxieties (when I do, I understand it’s all me).

  24. Had a really good first date yesterday. Grabbing a drink turned into a few drinks over a few hours. Trying to balance the stay level headed, it’s just one date emotion you barely even know then vs the hell yea, that was a great time, can’t wait to do it again emotion.

  25. I got broken up with out of the blue at the beginning of last week and was definitely spiraling for a bit. I was the stereotypical sitcom character who got broken up with – pizza boxes piled up on the floor, unshaven, hasn’t changed out of sweatpants all week. I got obliterated the day it happened, but haven’t had the urge to drink my feelings away otherwise. It wasn’t that long of a relationship, but I was getting my hopes up for the first time in a long time. Most of the time I bush it off if things don’t work because my guard never went down.

    Anyways, I feel like I’m getting back to baseline and am starting to pull my shit back together. I’m about to clean my place up for the first time in a week, and will be hopping back on my bike trainer after that.

  26. Looking for some thoughts/advice. I matched with a guy I went on 1 date with like 2 years ago? I think about a month before the pandemic shut everything down. I really liked him, was attracted to him but was in a weird place in my life so I never followed up after the date. He didn’t either. Anyway, I’m wondering if that means that I should just move along and not try to go out with him again. Or should I give it a shot and see if he remembers me etc? Should I mention that we went out before right off the bat?

  27. Started dating an acquaintance from high school. It’s going really well, and it’s nice to have this familiarity of common experiences even if we weren’t close in high school.

    We have pretty similar temperaments and texting habits. We can talk for hours and exchanged great massages. We also have ideas for dates and adventures in the future. We communicate well so far and respect each other’s boundaries. And we have great chemistry. I can really see this going somewhere! 💖🙏✨

  28. Early this week. I returned to work after a disability leave (I travel to multiple locations) this particular location has a woman who I always had good conversations when she saw me she pulled me to the side to see if I was ok and wanted to know what was wrong. I ended up telling her… (I have MS) and I thought I was still hurting over a breakup from last year so I was a bit shaken up. She decided to make small talk after we spoke on the whole illness I have and asked what I did over the weekend. I said spent time with my family and lit up some fires in my fire pit and she became interested in this, saying “I’ve never done something like that before”. I said it’s a good time when you have the family around and can relax. She goes “that’s really cool I would like to do that hopefully” pause….. Lol *facepalm* after a pause I ask “would you like to hangout with me by a fire this weekend?” She cuts me off and says yes! Then brings up if we can make S’mores. Of course we can! So thats the plan for Saturday, I’m nervous but so dang excited I’m proud of myself for breaking through and making it to this point where I was able to invite someone out (even if it did take awhile) I was second guessing myself big time. She’s also very pretty, her voice is something I look forward to hearing every time I can and her laugh always puts a smile on my face.

    I’m still shocked that this is happening this weekend. We’ve never hung out outside of work before and this is our first time. I hope things work out in a good way. Man I’m so nervous. Lol

  29. At this point I think I’m just gonna have to learn to be content with my cat. She at least comes back if she’s not feeling it one day

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