It’s been about 2 weeks since our offer has been accepted, we’ve contacted a solicitor firm, provided some initial info but not signed or paid any fee yet, as we have been waiting on a 2nd viewing which kept getting postponed.

Had the 2nd viewing today, not feeling super excited. Nothing really wrong about the apartment, just slightly dark (maybe it was more sunny during the last visit), slightly expensive and the service charge is also a bit high. But most of these we kinda knew before, though maybe not felt as much during our first visit.

Would it be considered really rude to pull out now? Would the agent blacklist me? If my reasons are more of a change of mind rather than problems with the seller, the property or financial?

P.S. Came to the UK about 9 months ago, not very sure about some of the unwritten rules.

  1. The agent won’t like it but it not going to get you ‘blacklisted’, they still want to get commisions

  2. Ask yourself, are you really going to buy a house you don’t want out of politeness? Just tell them after the second viewing you’ve decided to continue looking.

  3. The alternative is you buy a flat out of not wanting to be rude, so it’s not really relevant.

  4. The usual practice would be to have the second viewing before you put in an offer. Viewings after an offer is made are usually to measure up or get estimates for planned building work etc, not to make sure you want to buy.

    No, you won’t get blacklisted, but it certainly won’t go down well… especially if they took the place off the market after accepting your offer. The sellers might even have made an offer on somewhere else or already be in the chain so the ripple effect of annoyance may be long!

    However, you can’t buy a house if you’re not sure of it just to be polite so you have to do what’s right for you.

  5. If you don’t love it don’t buy it. Let them know either way asap. But next time only put an offer in if you are 100% committed to buying it. We all make mistakes

  6. The agent only cares about their commission, so, if you pull out they’ll be pissed off BUT will soon come crawling back when they need to show you more properties.

    It’s your choice, if you feel the need to walk away, walk away otherwise you’ll be regretting it for ages.

  7. We just accepted an offer only for them to pull out the next day. I suspect the reason they did (at a closing date) was to take it off the market, have a longer think about it and make sure no-one else got it. I was not best pleased. Thankfully there were other offers and our house going to the right family. By all means don’t buy something that isn’t right but next time perhaps think about it a bit longer or do a 2nd viewing. We had people doing a 3rd viewing. Would rather that and they be sure.

  8. You don’t get blacklisted per se but they might be wary. If you put in another offer for a house by the same agent, they might tell the next seller about how you pulled out before. I know because I’ve been on the other side and was told about buyers who were flaky, indecisive, putting in loads of random offers etc.

    That said, if you’re not keen then don’t proceed. It’s a huge purchase, you don’t want to regret it.

  9. You know you can get another agent if you’re scared the current one won’t like you any more

    Anyway they don’t really care just explain why you’ve had second thoughts

    Actually postponing the second viewing is probably reasonable excuse

  10. No. It’s still early in the process, I’d be surprised if the vendors have incurred any real costs.

    Gazundering is a dick move, and pulling out late in the process without a good reason is a dick move.

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