Were you a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly type guy?

  1. Yearly. Never really liked the shotgun method, all my relationships/interests have been friends first.

  2. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday if in person. Occasionally on dating apps.

  3. When i would see one in the wild or when one matched on a dating site that i was interested in. So 3 times a week or so. Got exhausting so i had calm down a bit.

  4. I’m in my upper 20s, and I’ve asked out 6 girls in the past maybe 15 years, anywhere from yearly to every few years. Got a 50% success rate.

  5. Rarely. I wouldn’t ask someone out unless I had previously been given some type of indication that they would be receptive to it.

  6. Never did it. I don’t have the courage to, even if I later feel undisarable (which normally happens)

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