I’m from Europe and calling someone an idiot is mild, but then so is calling someone a c^nt.

  1. As opposed to what? It’s surely not a compliment anywhere, regardless of level of severity.

  2. Like a lot of things I’d say it depends on the context. Calling your friend an idiot cuz he did simething stupid drunk? Not offensive. Calling your boss an idiot to their face? They’d likely take offense.

  3. Not If the shoe fits.

    Stupid is as stupid does
    And 1/2 the people have only double-digit IQ’s

  4. Yes, of course it is.

    It’s not mild. It could get you fired at work if you called a co-worker an idiot. It’s not a profanity, but it definitely isn’t a mild insult either . . .but calling someone the c-word is one of the biggest profanities and biggest insults in American English.

  5. I mean, it’s certainly not what I’d call flattering, but is it offensive? Given any context, red coat, I can make almost anything offensive.

  6. It’s not very nice, most people do not take kindly to having their intelligence insulted.

  7. As with most things, context is key.

    Your buddy screws up something minor and you say “Look what ya did ya idiot” with a smile? Fine.

    But someone telling your boss you are an idiot right in front of you would have a different impact.

  8. My generation tends to say things like “you nerd!” in the way you guys say “idiot.” It’s not necessarily that it’s a bigger insult… more like the definition of the word itself is a little different. You guys just mean “silly you, you made a goof up and I’m teasing you for it now.” We hear “idiot” as an actual insult to someone’s intelligence. Lots of tension between Brits and us come from using the same words, but they have slightly different meanings.

  9. Depends on the context.

    It’s offensive to throw around insults. I mean that’s obvious.

    Idiot is certainly offensive, but probably something fine around a certain group of friends to say jokingly.

    I guess I have a question for you. Do people think it’s not offensive to use insults where you are?

  10. It’s not the worst thing you can call someone. It’s also not gonna make you any friends

  11. Calling someone an idiot is either mild or more severe, depending on the context and who you’re insulting. Same with c*nt, it’s not something you’d call a stranger unless you were extremely upset with them, but among close friends it’s no biggie.

  12. It definitely rude and I can’t think of a context where someone would appreciate being called an idiot.

    There’s worse things you can be called but that doesn’t really make “idiot” any more pleasant.

  13. Ummm…no. Depending on where you are here…you’re probably either stating a fact or they’ll laugh it off because it’s one of the less severe insults here. Calling someone, particularly a woman a c*nt here is tantamount toe wanting to get guillotined it’s considered peak offensive. Ummm…..bitch is hit or miss. depends on the person/circumstances etc.

  14. Have a friend that said you can call him anything but asshole, that’s just shitty.

  15. Eh. Not so much in high school, compared to what me and my friends call each other, idiot is a compliment and is usually used to laugh at someone who said something mildly stupid or incorrect.

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