I see this a lot on dating apps, people are using it to find dates but others are using it because they just want validation and attention and have no intention of ever dating or meeting the person. I think this is some kind of fetish that people have. On top of that, I just saw a video on TikTok where the caption was “when you see the guy you rejected 4 months ago and now dating a new girl” and she slammed her hand in the table because he no longer gives her validation that she used him for and was angry even though it’s normal and healthy to move on to someone who is interested, do people get off to this kind of thing? It’s really really toxic and disrespectful honestly.

  1. Yes. It is a thing.

    Which is why I always say men should be stingy with validation.

    But yall have no self control. So, carry on. 🤷‍♀️

  2. Sometimes but I think most often they found out or noticed something that didn’t sit right with them, didn’t want an argument and ghosted.

  3. Yeah there were people like this pre internet even. Women like this were called a tease ( or a worse version of that) and it had really negative connotations.

    But, just like now, way too many women get accused of leading men on to inflate their own ego, when in fact the woman wasn’t flirting at all, or she was flirting and changed her mind when she got to know the guy better.

    Guys who felt ” teased” were often very bitter, the woman got a bad rep, and some men even felt entitled to the women just because she flirted with him. And that’s obviously not okay as it’s incredibly sexist.

    I do get the sense that with sexism waning and the rise of online dating, that women might be more comfortable leading people on just to get a thrill out of it. But some men absolutely do this too, and they are manipulative assholes too.

    What can you do though? Very hard to weed these people out online. Yeah, so they strung you along. Just gotta move on when they shoot you down. Don’t take it personally

  4. I don’t think it’s a fetish. Some women really like attention but it’s super selfish & cruel

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