Any tips on how to have a straight posture?

  1. Good office chair is one way of helping, those gaming chair and dining chair offices look good but are shit for your back.

  2. Just make an effort to stand up straight. If you do it a lot, your back and core muscles will strengthen and it will be easier to sustain. It helps if you stand up more; computer chairs tend to encourage us to slouch forward. A standing desk helps.

  3. I do bench and shoulder presses to align my back and when walking, make sure to have a perfectly straight posture

  4. Keep your chin up and your shoulders back while making a conscious effort to keep from slouching.

  5. Someone told me to “Imagine that your nipples are laser cannons. Pretend that you are shooting people in the face with them as you are walking.”

    It sounds utterly idiotic, but it *actually* works somehow.

  6. Spend a few minutes every morning standing against a wall with butt, shoulders, and head touching, with a small gap in the low of your back

  7. Don’t slouch when you sit, keep your shoulders back and your eyes level with the horizon when you amble.

  8. For me I started walking more straight the more fit I got and lost more weight. Crunches , planks, pushups and in general walking and jogging a lot have helped make me walk and stand straight much more and all that happened without me noticing.

  9. In the morning and night, stand with your back against the wall pressing every part of yourself to the wall (including the curve of your back) raise your arm like a goal post against the wall too and raise them up over your head 15 times. It might be hard at first, even pressing everything against the wall so work your way up to it. Try scooting your feet out to get every part of your back touching the wall.

  10. Lie on your back on the floor. Best done on a rug or mat. Try to get all parts of your spine to touch the floor.

  11. I think all of the above is great advice but one thing you can add rather easily is to be a bit more conscious about the posture of others and whenever you notice someone having a bad posture (or a really good one) and you notice that, just check your own posture real quick. For me that works surprisingly well, in combination with some other techniques.

  12. Besides exercise, be mindful of it. My mom always told imagine a string with a balloon attached to you chest. Try to keep it up. You’ll stand uo straighter and have better posture sitting down. I say this leaned over my knees on the couch lol.

  13. Chin slightly up, shoulders back, abs tight. Conversely, you can go old school and wear a collared shirt with pins in the collar pointing up to your chin. If you drop it, pokey poke

  14. Moral support.
    One of my friends growing up had bad posture and so did I and we had a subtle hand signal (eye contact and touch your nose) and we knew we were slouching. We would remind eachother

  15. Overcompensate. Instead of leaning forward pull your shoulders back and lean a little back. Eventually your posture will correct to the center.

  16. If you are refering to while infront of computer. Either get a posture corrector or accept you will look like a fiend.

  17. Tank top undershirts are good tactile reminders to roll your shoulders back. Stretching and self massage with a lacrosse ball, loosening up knotted or overused muscle groups and motor units and waking up and strengthening atrophied or underused muscle groups and motor units along with conscientiously correcting my posture throughout the day has been my main set of tools for staying healthy and recovering from mild injuries etc

  18. Work out. Good posture is 40% having the muscles to maintain it and 50% confidence. So working out helps with 90% of it. The remaining 10% is being self aware and not having health issues.

  19. Stand–Now give a slight bend in your knees (we tend to lock our knees after standing veryyy quickly), now squeeze your abs, and use your abs to push(rotate) your pecs to the ceiling. Ballerinas do this extremely well. If you do it correctly, your traps become much more nonvisible viewed from the front. I used to think I had big traps but it was all hunchback posture. Now my collarbone is elegant and my traps are only visible a little from the front.

  20. My chiropractor suggested that I changed my seat in my car when driving a little at a time straight up. It totally works after a while my posture totally changed and now it actually is tiresome if I’m not sitting straight up. I immediately noticed that whatever chair I’m sitting in whether I have my back to it or not. Since then I’ve had people compliment me on my posture also.

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