Men of reddit, what are you best ways of avoiding the pant pee dribble?

  1. Take your trigger and middle finger and when the pee ends press firmly behind your ballsack while flexing your pelvic floor. This should get the final remnants of pee out of the urethra.

  2. I usually suck and spit it out, kind of harder when it’s cold….ya know shrinkage

  3. After you’re done peeing, you do the Taylor swift.

    “Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake. Shake it off. Shake it off. Woo-hoo-hoo”

  4. I hold a square of toilet paper up to my urethra. It tricks my penis into thinking it’s my pants, and the last little bit of pee comes flying out in a vain effort to embarrass me.

  5. Past a certain age, you can’t. My dad always said “You can shake it, squeeze it, or bang it against the wall, but only once you’ve zipped your pants to the last drops fall.”

  6. I have been wondering this my whole life, I just clean well, then put a tissue on my penis, get out if the bathroom, and come back 10 min later, remove the tissue and thats it, very tedious, and I have OCD, so I just take tooo long waiting for the damn drips to finish

  7. Twirl it clockwise three times , counter-clockwise three times, then say two Hail Marys and one Our Father.

  8. Shake shake shake – might as well beat off now..


    but using a single piece of toilet paper at they and when you loosen up helps

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