Relationship as in a sexual/romantic one. I don’t mean a person who has direct authority over you (boss, professor etc) but someone who has a lot more power than you/ used to have that kind of authority over you.

  1. >someone who has a lot more power than you/ used to have that kind of authority over you.

    ???not sure what you mean here.

  2. Theoretically, I guess. But the odds are low and the effort required to ensure the power imbalance is evened out would be high.

  3. This seems.very specific, maybe you should take it to the relationship advice sub with the details and get some better feedback

  4. The attitude of the people in the relationship matters quite a bit in my opinion. If the authority figure partner is constantly trying to dominate because they know more then it’s not going to go well.

  5. As long as there’s a balance to an extent, I like having my SO be the “authority”. I’m submissive as hell for the most part, I don’t like making the choices (unless they really matter like choosing a house or a serious situation).

    Of course, in this balance, I appreciate my opinion being taken into account, and if I am really opposed to something I’m gonna stand my ground, but overall I like being told what to do, all the while knowing i’m in control when I really need it considering I never take the reins, it really means some thing when I do.

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