I don’t know, it just feels like that a bit. It’s almost been 3 months since they broke up with me on good terms (for their mental health). From time to time they still text me about stuff they know I like. (Like tv shows or music). And we have very short conversations about the topics. They’ve never talked to me in real life since and I’m sure they avoid me. The thing is every time we text I always end up being the person to unintentionally end the conversation meaning I’m always the one to send the last message before being left on delivered for another like what, 2 weeks or so? It just seems like if they actually cared they would ask something actually meaningful to me, like a simple “how are you?”. Maybe they could be too scared or feel too guilty to but I won’t know. It hurts every time they text me cause I don’t know what they want, I may just ask them straight up if I could build the courage or just never talk to them again for my own good.

  1. You need to protect yourself better and if you feel your ex pities you then don’t do things that make you feel pathetic. Try to move on.

  2. Why do you even care?
    If the communication with this person makes you feel bad, stop it.
    Just. Do. It.

  3. If you’re a nice person do what you do because it makes you happy. If you live your life to get a reaction from a person who doesn’t care about you. Pretty lame

  4. Block, delete, go no contact. This is hurting you too much and you need to put your ex firmly in the past so you can heal and build a new life.

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