My husband and I are still newlyweds, I’ve never loved anyone more. My hubbys my everything. Best friends, great sex!, Communicate well (I thought). Then I realized he was constantly talking to other women via Facebook/Insta/Snap/TikTok/WhatsApp Telling people we just got divorced.
Pity Me. Fake news.
Anyway… obviously I was blindsided and crushed. And now have trust issues. Seeing these messages hurt so bad. Especially when our home life is awesome. He’s just bored and drunk apparently. Always on the phone or wanting to be home alone. Never in public with his family.
And how dare I hang on to these feelings of mistrust? So I guess I better get over it quick.

  1. This is an emotional affair… affairs. They are more like one night stands for him.

    If you want to save the marriage it can happen if he admits to what he is doing and is sorry for it and gets help with his crippling issues of loneliness and bad coping mechanisms he has learned.

  2. It has to end & he has to have real remorse. Don’t have kids unless this crap is way far back in the rear view mirror.

    Check out this subreddits wiki section on flirting & infidelity. You may find some useful info in there.

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