If you’re a lady and you have concerns about your relationships because your man doesn’t spend as much time with you or isn’t “interested” in you anymore, then I challenge you to attempt actually developing hobbies and friends of your own before deciding that this is somehow his fault/problem. I see these kinds of posts all the time, and it’s frustrating.

As harsh as it is and as much as I’m gonna get flamed for it, it’s the truth. You can’t just show up and look cute and expect that to carry you for the whole relationship. Just because it’s enough for the one night stand don’t mean it’s enough for anything else. It’s shocking the number of women I’ve talked to that haven’t even attempted to learn about their partner’s hobbies that complain that they don’t spend time together or that things “aren’t the same.”

1 comment
  1. One woman doesn’t want to watch Naruto with you and now you go on the internet acting like the biggest virgin.

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