Hey all! So I’m 24M and not exactly my gf(22F) but it’s like we know we want to be each other but haven’t made it official yet. For context we met at the office that we both work at and have been with each other for 2 months now. So this happened yesterday, we met yesterday evening with a couple of our friends everything was fine we talked had fun and left at around 7ish. I get home and she texts me that she met her other friends and had been drinking with them. I said cool enjoy and be safe and then when she came back to her place she was not feeling too good and I had been texting her this entire time. Now she just came out of a long term relationship recently, and she texts me that when she used party with her ex they used to have a lot of fun, dance around and in general happy times and now that she drank alone she wasn’t feeling good. To this I said, I know you came out of the relationship recently and some memories are hard to forget and I know I can’t replace them, I will always make sure to keep you happy and that if she wants to talk about anything I’m there with her. Now as soon as she sent me the text about her ex, she then deleted it and simply text gn, going to sleep. I still sent her this msg and then tried calling her half an hour later just to give her some space and time. I tried calling her 3-4 times at night and then I went to sleep. Today morning she read those texts but didn’t reply to them. Today I feel like she is avoiding me, I again sent her a text that whatever she’s thinking she can share with me. I have only been getting just 1 word replies. I tried changing the subject and talk as I usually do but didn’t work. I asked her if she was free in the evening to meet, she said she’s going out with her friends. Now I don’t know what to do. I know we really have this bond and I want to be there for here when she’s feeling down. Please help!

  1. I’m sorry I’m having trouble with what exactly happened for why she isn’t texting back. Big block of text is difficult to read. Can you explain what about her ex and why exactly you think she isn’t texting back?

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