As a young (ish) person I’m fine with giving up my seat on the bus, tram or train to pregnant or elderly travellers. These groups in particular may struggle to stand and deserve a seat. It’s also difficult for the larger traveller, which got me thinking: Should I give my seat on public transport to a fat person?

  1. It would certainly be the kind thing to do, the principle being giving up a seat to somebody who needs it more.

    Would I do it, doubtful

  2. Some might be fine with standing and happy to do so. But apart from always giving your seat to the elderly or pregnant women, if you see someone struggling or suspect they are in discomfort/pain, offering your seat is the kind thing to do no matter how old/fat/pregnant/disabled they are.

  3. This comment thread didn’t get the pro “large person” outrage I was hoping for.

  4. Well to be honest I probably wouldn’t give up my seat for someone who was fat. However there are a lot of reasons why someone could be fat and I think it’s rude to say its just because of bad habits or not enough exercise.

  5. It depends if you feel like giving your seat to someone who might benefit from it more than you. You don’t have to, but it doesn’t really need to be more complicated than this really.

  6. As a fatty that has most of the lower half of my body and back made from metal I would politely decline the offer.

  7. Just because they’re fat does not mean they’re unfit. I’m fat but do a very physically demanding job so I’m very physically fit so no, don’t just assume they’re unhealthy because they fat

  8. “Oi fatty, you can have my seat you big old bastard”

    That’s probably how you would make them feel if you offered up your seat.

  9. Slightly off topic but I’m 6’5 and broad but not fat.

    On busses and trains if someone offered me a seat I would be confused.

    On the London underground on some of the smaller trains, my head is literally at a 45 degree angle into the ceiling and I’m squatting in that sweat box to not break my neck. If you do see a tall person struggling on the tube then feel free to offer a seat 🤣

  10. As a plus size person with mobility issues from an injury- these days I would hope someone would give up a seat if they saw me when I was walking with my stick. In fact – I was more concerned that people would refused to let me sit down because they blamed me for my disability, although on a recent trip to London than proved to be wrong and several people did give up their seat which I was very grateful for.

    Before I had my injury I did find standing for a long time sore on my feet and would always try to get a seat but would also give it up if there was someone more in need and no other seats. I wouldn’t expect someone to offer up a seat purely because I was larger.

    I would say you don’t need to offer unless they look in pain or clearly were looking for a seat. And if they ask then don’t quiz them about why they’d need it – but let them sit down if you are in a situation where you can.

  11. anyone that would be significantly less comfortable standing than you, imo, deserves the seat, no matter why.

  12. It may be a bit mortifying if you are otherwise a healthy person able to stand and you get offered a seat as if you have a disability. I mean, it is unhealthy to be fat but it still seems a bit judgemental.

  13. It’s a difficult one but Walking sticks or some kind of impairment. Or maybe if they are struggling to stand on their own feet then I would say yes give em your seat.

  14. It would at least remove the problem of ‘is that person pregnant or just a bit podgy?’ Someone once offered me their seat thinking I was pregnant. I was not – just had a bit of post-baby belly, plus a close-fitting dress, and a substantial lunch. I accepted it gratefully rather than cause a kerfuffle (no honestly I’m fine… no please take it!… no really I’m not going far… please sit down) or having to leave them feeling mortified (actually I’m not pregnant I just had a big meal).

    I still feel kind of guilty for accepting their kind offer.

  15. If they ask for it? Probably

    Should you proactively go up to them and say ‘I notice youre very fat, would you like my seat?’? Probably not

  16. Give the seat up and say “Here for you mam, anything to protect your baby”

    Regardless of gender

  17. I wouldn’t but do what you feel is right in the moment. No need to ask us about it

  18. There’s no point unless the person next to you is willing to give up theirs as well.

  19. I’ve paid as much as you, I ent giving up my seat for anyone, pregnant, old or fat..I don’t know you or care

  20. No, you aren’t to blame for their condition and you aren’t responsible for helping them.

    I will take the downvotes. Just like I’ll take a seat that a fat person wanted if I was there first.

  21. This is very sweet and considerate of you. If they seem to be in discomfort and you’re questioning it then it’s probably the right thing to do. However if they seem fine then I wouldn’t, it could be received as patronising and embarrassing even if out of kindness. Either way if it comes from the right place you can never go wrong

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