I want to casually date people.. but I WFH, don’t use dating apps/social media, and I’m not friendly when I go out 🫠

Please advise..

  1. Femcel?

    Look inward, become a more inviting person, then you have to pick one part of the triangle when it comes to dating 1) meet thru friends 2) meet thru apps 3) Meet thru social media

    Pick one and work on it. Complaining is 33.33% of the solution!

  2. Just don’t be fake. If you don’t look like you can have fun, people aren’t going to hit you up.

  3. Sadly as an introvert it takes actually going out into the world to find people

    Its against our nature but it must be consciously done.

    It takes time and fortitude. Im talking years.

    But the alternative is scarier.

  4. Start with dating apps. Most people there are in it for casual fun. As soon as you match someone, it’s clear that this is about dating and that they find you interesting in that context.


    >I’m not friendly when I go out

    How bad is it?

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