What is one thing you wish to experience in a relationship?

  1. Someone who feels the same way about me as I do about them, who can love me for who I am, just as I am, and someone who isn’t using me for sex or money.

  2. I am mostly modest, not much into romantic gestures and opulency. But just for one time I would like to know how it feels. Big gesture of love, even though I realise it is empty. 100 roses in a bouquet, fancy dinner in the finest restaurant, public proposal, … Something that would show he is not ashamed about me but would scream his love to the world.
    It might be a residual of my ex, who told me during the breakup that he was ashamed of me and kept me in secret.

  3. I know I won’t experience it, but what I often wish in a relationship is to be shown off. Maybe because the people I dated were always low-key, and I felt like there was something wrong with me and they weren’t proud of me.

  4. The kind of honesty and compatibility that quiets my anxiety regarding relationships

  5. Love and sexual compatibility in combination. Never had this sadly.
    Was in loving relationships with very vanilla guys and had one FWB with maximum sexual chemistry. Why not both for once?!
    Would actually consider settling down for a person like that. 😅

  6. Romance. I’d like to just be completely blown away from time to time, like, coming home to a candle lit dinner with dessert or a big bouquet of colorful flowers (they could be handpicked for all I care) or getting a box full of interesting vegan food and snacks.

    Love is also one, I don’t think any of my relationships have ever been based on love, it’s always been based solely on ‘convenience’ (for them) and attraction to their appearance (for me).

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