Not quite sure if this is the right place to write all of this but I hope its ok, if not, admin feel free to delete the post. Also English is not my main language I will try my best.

So i just got this new job at an airport as a luggage porter. But before I could walk by myself at the workplace there had to be 21 days where an experienced employee in the airport that had to look after me and follow me where ever i went for security reasons, while I waited for a security approval from the police so i could get my airport ID-card.

And this is where i met this girl.

Out of those 21 days I only had her for 3 days. In these 3 days however, we got to know eachother really good. What started out so good was that I knew a person which she also apparently knew. A person I’ve grown up with in school and she knew this person from her second job and they became really close friends and still are. We found this really funny and unexpected since we both live in complete different cities.

Then from here we started talking about other topics and quickly found out that we have so many things in common. I told her that we’re 3 boys in my family, but that I always wanted a little sister and that I used to tell my mother all the time when i was younger to give me one. She laughed and told me that she had done exactly the same thing when she was younger, as she too only have brothers in her family until they adopted a little girl. She even scrolled through her gallery in her phone to show me this little girl that her parents had adopted, told me her name and how much she was proud of her and how happy she was to finally having a little sister. Then I told her that one of my biggest dreams in life is to get a daughter, since I never got a little sister. She said that it was literally her dream too, to get a little girl.

We also talked about our nationalities and our countries. She had been to my country before a few times and said so many things about what she loved about it and that she would visit it again soon. I’ve never been to her country but i showed interest, and she was so keen to tell me more about her country.

Overall we also talked about topics such as marriage – we asked eachother if we were engaged or married, joked about how we both are getting too old and should find someone to marry ASAP and the importance of finding- and how to find the right partner in life – we gave eahcother advices. She would rather use her money to travel the world once she finds her partner, instead of using them on a party – I told her that i’ve always thought the same way about it.

We talked about our parents, how they are like and so on. She told me “my parents constantly tell me to find a man but its really not that easy”. we talked about materialism, how money should be used and what it should be used on. We both didnt like the idea to buy expensive cars and so on, we just wanted to live a decent and affordable live and rather using money on high tech stuff and sht, we would rather use our saved money to see and travel the world.

So last time I saw her and spoke to her was when I had a short break but long enough to talk with her for a while, but suddenly the luggages came flying in and I told her that we would speak later and I had to get back to work. She sits just a few meters away from the exact place that i work from, but after an hour or so she suddenly had to go because one of her coworkers had to take over. I was still working and i was working hard cuz sht was busy and all, but before she left she came to me and said she would see me next time and that she had to go right now and so on… I thought I would see her again but those 21 days went by and I got my ID-card which meant I no longer need any employee from the airport to follow me around.

I know however, that her last day as an employee at the airport is the 26th this month, since shes going full time on her second job. I really want to find her and I can I think but its not going to be easy. But I really need to know first if she really has feelings for me or not. Im not sure, so I wrote this post hoping that some of you can help me think and see clearly cuz i feel so confused, unsure and blind.

I have 6 days… do you think she has feelings for me and maybe are in love? or is she just a kind and good hearted person? do I reach out for her before shes gone…. forever?

TL;DR! Met this girl at my job that I have feelings for, but shes gone soon if I dont reach out my hand. I just need to know if she thinks the same way about me as I do with her.

  1. I doubt she’s in love, you’re getting a bit too far ahead of yourself, she doesn’t even know you like that to love you, and that generally comes after a while of dating. No idea if she’s interested in you, but if you see her again, ask her out.

  2. It’s not love you’ve spoke with her for 3 days. She might just be friendly, she might see something there. Who knows. Yoy don’t have to dive into proposing or something just ask if you can keep in touch to keep getting to know her or ask to take her to lunch or something. You won’t know if you don’t ask.

  3. This is infatuation. You spoke for three days. Your reaction to this is much, *much* too intense.

    She is not in love. Neither are you, if you are a healthy adult. You may like her very much, but you don’t know that she feels the same and you should probably assume she doesn’t, and certainly doesn’t feel as intensely as you do, because she didn’t give you any way to contact her out of work.

    Trying to find her on social media would be reasonable, if you can get a grip and behave *reasonably*. Go ahead and look for her online, but trying to track her down at her place of work in the next six days is extreme and you do not have a healthy mindset at the moment. You need to find some chill before you speak with her again, and just ask for her contact information in a friendly way.

  4. Do NOT listen to the others! Go for it! There’s no harm in shooting your shot, who cares if she doesn’t say yes? She’s leaving anyways, you might as well. Best case scenario, you have a lovely relationship! Worst case, you just get rejected, and you won’t see her again anyway. Please try! If she likes you too and you don’t do it, you will regret it!

    But don’t tell her you love her, just say you like talking to her and ask her out on a date!

  5. Ask her out. Don’t make a declaration of love–that’s way too much pressure out of nowhere–just ask her if she wants to grab coffee/a drink sometime or whatever.

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