I heard a lot of time guys how they want to have a girlfriend who is a virgin. Or how they find girls who are virgins a turn on. I have never understood why. Is there a particular reason? Or it’s just something like preference?

  1. Personally I think there are a few reasons, some more wholesome than others. For some it’s about outdated ideas about sexual purity. For others, being someone’s first feels special, something to connect emotionally over. Others just don’t like the idea of a woman having had previous partners, like she is “used” or somehow “dirty.” Some see it as a trophy for their ego. Some don’t like the idea that they’re going to be compared sexually to previous partners. Some are virgins themselves and want share that experience with someone who’s in the same position as them. I think it can be one or more of any of the reasons really.

  2. There are a lot of women that like the same thing. Some people like to “teach sex”. Also, it’s the thought of another guy being in the same places you’re trying to go. With a Virgin there’s no worry of that.

  3. Insecurity- guys want to not be compared to other men in her mind

    Possessiveness- guys want to own her first experience

    Ignorance- guys want her to not know right or wrong or have boundaries or be able to assert herself or see red flags

    Misogyny- they believe virgins have higher objective “value” because they see women as objects

  4. Virgins are overrated. I was terrible the first time I had sex haha! I don’t know why any guy would want to put themselves through that. I think it’s much more fun now I have a bit of experience and confidence

  5. I personally get off on the pain they’re in from the first time. I’m a big fan of being dominant and as rough as I can get away with.

  6. Because they’re disgusting and too insecure to have a woman with more experience.

  7. Some of them have swallowed a lot of bullshit about “the virgin vagina moulds itself to the shape of the penis” and other such wank.

  8. Knowing he’s boldly going where no man has gone before! Lol ( cue Star Trek Theme) .

  9. the closest i can come to thinking of a healthy reason a guy would prefer a virgin is if he himself is a virgin and wants his first time to be with someone else for whom it is also the first time. and that’s the *closest* i can come. (even in this case i’d advise this guy that an experienced partner will still work out in his favor. learn from them!)

    i think it comes down to:

    best case: being insecure in their performance/ability in bed and wanting a partner who doesn’t have anyone to compare them to (maybe not toxic but not really a healthy attitude)

    worst case: viewing people as expendable resources that lose value the more they are “used”. if this sounds like an exaggeration let me assure you it is not.

    one caveat: if they have a *kink* involving virgins, and it just plays into role play, that’s a separate issue. but if they explicitly select real life partners for virgin status, that’s a red flag in my book.

  10. I’m excluding the guys that believe they are in love and are just as inexperienced as the girl…

    Sometimes it’s ego, the girl will remember her first guy, and for a while he will be the best she’s ever had since she has no experience.

    Some guys it’s fear. They fear inadequacy and assume a virgin has nothing to compair them to.

    Some guys it’s retarded masculine culture thinking any woman that’s not a virgin is ‘spoiled’ or ‘unclean’.

    The worst of the bunch are narcissist.
    Not only do it for bragging rights, but they will screw up the girl’s head badly.

    A NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) predator lives to mess with, crush and destroy people around them, and one of the traits is gaslighting, blame shifting and never takinging responsibility for any of their actions.
    Virgins are easy victims.

    This particular parasite on humanity is all too common…

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