24 years old and never dated. I think I look good and am in good shape. But I have never had true friends. So the other day I mustered up the courage to ask a stranger in a shoe store for their number, told she already has a bf. I dealt with so much anxiety in my mind for days because I stepped out of my comfort zone.

I’m not currently in school and work 9-5. I don’t like bars or wild parties, I downloaded the meetup apps but their is very few things happening near me and they all seem to be for mid aged people. I downloaded bumble and have had it for a week. Zero likes as of right now.

What am I supposed to do? I feel so depressed.

  1. You sound like the typical person looking for meaning in others, has low courage, and is unhappy with themself.

    Let me make this absolutely clear, you need to learn to love yourself first, you need to be able to make good friends doing something you love, and you need to be strong willed enough to do uncomfortable things often. Learn to shrug off rejection, smile, and try again the next day. Nobody has ever found someone perfect for them on the first try, nobody likes dating someone who is a downer, nobody likes someone with no friends and no life.

    Find your self love first, find your courage, find a passion, find friends in that passion, and then just find partners who can enjoy the fact you are someone with an entire world to offer them.

  2. Dating = going out of your comfort zone. Its going to hurt, I don’t think people realize what dating is. You’re meeting strangers and seeing if you can be together for rest of your lives. That *is* anxiety. I commend you for being courageous. Now keep doing it because its the only way, online and in person.

  3. Congratulations on asking for a number like that!

    Ok, you got rejected. She has a bf. Makes sense, a lot of people have bfs. I understand you had a lot of anxiety from that, makes sense too!

    That said, did the actual situation cause it? Did she, or anyone else, make fun of you?

    Rejection is scary but ultimately it’s not as dangerous as we think it is.

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