the relationship is always ruined and most of the time it is over. folks which case would you take a cheater back?

  1. There are no circumstances in which I would take a cheater back… once a cheater always a cheater.

  2. None. If they did it with me before, they’ll keep doing it again. I’d personally walk away, never look back, and not be angry with them. Cheating is so commonplace that I’m now desensitized to it happening. If the woman I’m with chooses someone else over me while staying with me, she’ll be the other guy’s problem to deal with. Not like it’s my business what goes on between them anyway.

  3. i can’t really see myself ever being with that person again… i could forgive them for sure but thats it

  4. Not even if hell freezes over. They didn’t care for your feelings when they cheated the first time, so they aren’t suddenly going to have an epiphany and care for your feelings the second time. If they are able to cheat once, they are able to cheat again.

  5. they have stage 4 cancer and I want the life insurance money. that’s it.

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